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Video game violence

Video Game Violence Home



Taking Action

More Info

About this site

        The purpose of this website is to inform people about the issue of video game violence and give them a way to make a difference and help to keep the video game industry free of strict government regulation.
        Video games have been around for a while, almost 30 years for that matter. And only recently has their violent content become an issue. It was only after the Columbine shooting that video games came under this negative spotlight. Still, this battle rages on. And now, those who oppose video games are attacking with more force than ever.
        More details on this issue can be found under the "More Info" link on the left. There, you will find links to other sites as well as a link to a paper I wrote about this issue.
         Restricting the content and general sale of video games is an infringement on our freedoms, and must be prevented. You can do something to help in this prevention. Click on the "Taking Action" link on the left to start making a difference.