Dream BOY
Dream BOY
I am so pretty I look at myself in the mirror often, but I don't see much further than my own image... there is not much under my skin and I fear truly looking at the reality of who I truly am, so being "pretty" is enough to get me by in life.... Women are a hobby the more established, professional and successfuly the more I am ON IT! I am entitled to a freeloading lifestyle and prey on women that are loving and compassionate and will buy into my "woe is me" I have been a victim all my life "sell"... They love to try to fix and help me, but I can only be charming for 6 months or less and they realize I change and take my mask off and then the show begins! I usually have gotten all I want and leave on a dime's notice never looking back.
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Still married but she left after 6 months (she was on to me!)
Still married but she left after 6 months (she was on to me!)  
I usually get a picture taken immediately with you to give you the impression this is REAL

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