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Why would I go through all this trouble ?
Monday, 1 January 2007
Victor Webb Jacksonville Florida (Arlington) 8604 Bengalin Ave?
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: If it's too good to be true, don't be fooled: IT IS!
Victor Webb Jacksonville Florida (Arlington) DOB 11-27-1974 8604 Bengalin Unemployed since 5/2006 Dont like to work, like to live off professional vulnerable women. Never had a job for more than a year, have a victimization excuse for everything.. I deserve a High salary, because I am me? But have never earned more than $40,000 a year but don't tell my prospective employer that, research get real references, find out the real reason why I don't work at any of my last jobs... Read my other blogs, they tell it like it is... can't believe it? Push back and I will tear you down! Fraternization with female employees has always been my best attribute. Lowes, Seda Construction, I am so charming and I am proud to say I ALWAYS GET WHAT I WANT! So don't get in my way, your wife is next on my hit list! And there is nothing you can do about it! Cowards are anonymous , there is nothing anonymous here, or fiction... I can prove everything, but your own experience and seeking knowledge of the facts will be enough to make your own decision. He should never be able to get away with this again.

Posted by planet/victorwebb at 2:21 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 3 January 2007 12:20 AM EST
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Can't believe what your reading, read these.. its worth the time it will save you from a lot of pain and anguish in the end..
Below are RED FLAGS SITE, Don’t take this lightly!

Who gets Targeted?

If you think he is here to stay forever, notice how he tells you all of the things he will NEVER do, normal people usually don't have to say it, most of the time you will find you never even had to solicit for the promise, he is only setting you up, so you believe because he has found your vulnerability, then he goes in for the kill, everything he ultimately says he will never do, is on its way one way or another... its only a matter of time..

Posted by planet/victorwebb at 2:06 PM EST
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If someone is smart enough to Google me than they have enough
Mood:  mischievious
Intelligence to understand why I created this site. I want women to understand what they are dealing with because I/Victor am capable of nothing but pain and will use you up and take your money and before 6 months is up leave you in the dust. That is usually when you become suspicious and are "on to me". It is important to understand or become aware of the characteristics that I possess before too much damage is done, healing is more difficult after me than most other normal breakups because I lead you to believe you are the One and Only and I am your Knight and shining armor... Read more and do see links it is your best defense, knowledge is everything..

When you are first entranced by this man you will think you hit the Jackpot for Romeo.
The poetry, the massages, the eroticism. You are the most beautiful person in the world and he will pick apart any woman you see in public together that might be attractive. You are lead to believe that you are IT, “he will never leave you, and he will always love you. Your are his life! He says he has a lot of money coming back from his lawsuits so he borrows from you and pays you back upfront. Or promises you a life of luxury and a loving family future, only to build trust and get you for more later. He is victim to the beatings of his father, his mother over protected him. He is victim to everyone, it is never his fault. You will feel compelled to empathize with him and feel you can help him with your love which is what he wants you to believe. His eyes are eerie and his stare is all telling. When you think that there is nothing he wouldn’t do for you, try not to give him your money, if you go out to dinner make him pay and see how far that gets you. Never never pay his bills and he won’t be around for long. The initial excitement with this man is like a drug, the caring compassionate woman will fall prey to him. When the red flags finally shout loudly for you and you stand your ground and/or something in your relationship goes awry you will be the one at fault, like all the ex’s before you will be the one who is at fault. I wished I had talked to his ex before me as I know now we have so much in common and could have saved myself a lot of heartache and saved thousands. He is in debt up to his ears, has an attitude of entitlement, and believes he is a renaissance man (that is a red flag in and of itself) research Narcissist, sociopaths and psychopaths. If you leave him, don’t be distraught when you learn someone has quickly replaced you (within weeks!), he cannot stand to be by himself that would call for introspection which he is unable to do. He cannot stand to be alone. If you have other interests he will interfere with them and your friends. His neediness and control attempts are subtle; if you push back you will see who he really is. Don’t make any changes to your life for 6 months, he cannot wear is “charm” mask for any longer than 6 months. Keep a piece of yourself because when he is done with you, you are going to need it to get through the healing process, and hopefully you didn’t spend too much money. He has no financial responsibility and owns nothing outright. He refinanced my own home; thank god I had a prenuptial. Beware, 6 months is the magic number, RUN don’t walk if you see the flags. He boasts about all of his conquests, he is proud of his fighting history in high school; his lack of friends is a warning flag also. His license tag says it all QUICKDRW, Hits you quick and leaves you quick when he’s gotten everything he can out of you. By the way, he is still married because he doesn’t even have the money to file for a divorce! His employment history is as stable as his relationships, nothing lasts forever because it involves the “w” word, WORK! Which is not something he is capable of. P.S. Dated 3 weeks, Proposed and married within 5 months, split up before we hit our 6 month mark, I had had enough. Things move quickly and if you want to throw a monkey wrench into his plans try to hold back on intimacy for a couple of months, he won’t stick around and wait, he couldn’t wait more than 2 weeks with me and I tried to convince him it would be better that way, he can’t keep his mask on without the S word in full force it’s too much work! He prefers older women (I was 9 years older) because we have more money and established careers. He will probably lie about his age and tell you he is older as he always has in the past and bragged about it. If you meet his parents notice their characteristics , Notice his relationship with them and how he speaks of them when they are not around, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! He will charm you and show you what a wonderful father he is to his daughter misleading you to believe he has that potential to be that way to you forever, but it’s the only girl in his life that doesn’t know any better, once you catch on to him you will realize how to tell if he is lying or not, When he is talking!!!! Test his empathy skills, he has none, maybe at first but take note of how he responds to others misfortunes – it is his that matter only. Stub your toe and cry, he will tell you to “get over it”, get over him fast, he got me for $22,000 and left me in a gutted home, how much do you have to lose? is his email, hes a porn addict, 6 months, and the cat gets out of the bag. I am only one of the ex’s, there are more and we all share the same story. Poor Poor Victor, we are all such rotten women because we wouldn’t do things HIS way, as his exwife told me, “HE IS ALL ABOUT HIMSELF, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!!!” Test that theory and you will know that this is not to slander him, just to warn those that are loving creatures and are vulnerable to his antics, beware, if you haven’t met the devil yet, you will know you did after he is done with you. And trust me , he will be done with you when he gets bored or you get wise to him. See my yahoo profile teresamariewebb for important links to research what I am talking about, its not just blowing angry smoke, its real! Here is a poem you will probably see him give you.. He’s good!

Lucid visions of our future together continue
to unfold before me like a gift from God.
I surrender to the rapturous love that you
bestow upon me.............................................
Omnipotent passion like I have never beheld
continues to pervade my heart and soul........
Vivacious am I with the promise of your
immeasurable adoration...........................
Eternal love is what I yearn for and somehow
.......................the once unimaginable possibility
of this everlasting union is within my reach......

Your name goes here.................................
I Love You...............................

Then he does one beginning with the letters in your name… he’s REALLY Good at this! Ususually you will get this one when he is going for the kill!

To my dearest Teresa,
Every second that passes I come to realize more and more
how enchanting our life together has become.
Regardless of circumstance past or present I seem to
always reappear at this identical place.
Endless affection overtakes my entire sense of being with every
thought of you.
Saying I love you just never seems to convey the magnitude
of adoration I feel for you.
Angels from heaven blessed me with the most precious gift I could have ever dreamed of.

May our love be forever.
At last, I truly understand what the purest form of
unconditional love is.
Rapture overwhelms my every breath.
I will cherish you always
Eternally Yours………

Posted by planet/victorwebb at 1:53 PM EST
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