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The Vestibule Game

Welcome to the fully automated Vestibule "Choose Your Own Adventure" game, where 32 different endings are possible- can you find the best one of them all?

The game is simple. You'll start by clicking on one of the two links below. (Read the text at the bottom of this post for the start to the adventure.) After that, you'll be transported to another set of two links, then another, until, after visiting five pages of choices, the sixth will tell you your fate! Choose wisely, and don't forget to post your rank in the poll back on the original thread.

Good luck!

~~~The Story Begins~~~ It's another dark and stormy Friday night. You're on the Vestibule after declining an invitation to the big High School Dance (who needs dances, anyway?) and see two topics that you are interested in clicking on: one is a spam thread, and the other is some rant about Tal.

Which topic do you click on?

Click on the spam topic; you could use a post or two.
Find out what their opinion is on Tal.