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Amanda's Page

Hi there. My name is Amanda. I am 26 years old and I have been married for over 3 years. My husband and I are the proud parents of a little chunker named Kayleb. Kayleb is a toddler...GOD HELP US!!!!! lol. I am an elementary education major. I love teaching, especially the small children. I love to read books by Anne Rice, Stephen King, and I absolutley adore the Harry Potter series (I have all the books and the movies. I also enjoy painting, writing poetry and short stories, listening to music, watching movies (I have an extensive DVD collection). But most of all I love haning out with my son. He is at a rough age though. My friends mean a lot to me. I only have two really best friends...SO HI JEN AND ANGIE. Those to ladies are my girls...Jen is always there when I need her (and she better be lol she is only five doors down!) Anyways I hope you enjoy my site...drop me a line sometime!

My Favorite things about life

My Favorite Web Sites

Lost Info
Stephen King
Harry Potter
Baby center
