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~How to Join~

How to Play This is how to play the rpg first off I will go through the rules No one will you any sexual content in this rpg I dont want no one to be harass in anyway You can you bad language but keep it low show respect Don't get all mad because you lost and you died Play fare and NO CHEATING PL (Power Level) STR (Strength) SPD (Speed) DEF (Defense) HP (Life) Know I will go over how to spar The person with the higher speed starts the battle, you and the enemy got the same speed that's when you check to see who got the strongest attack from the Attack Page, even if they start talking to the enemy telling them they are going to kill them, after they are done the one with the higher speed or strongest attack goes first.. When you type *Charge at whoever* the enemy can't do nothing but type *Charge at whoever* or *Stand There* Now it is back to you if you say *Punch* the enemy can block by typing *Block* or *Dodge* Now its back to the person who started you, I know if your enemy starts out first then he will win the battle, but that is not true you can type *Take Hit* and it will still be your turn you are just telling them that you are taking the hit. If you don't want to take the hit you can always mix up dodges, and blocks with attacks. Example: Vegetunks: *Punch at Goku* Goku: *Dodges+Punch* and then Vegetunks can choose to block+kick, Block+pucnch or Dodge+Kick Dodge+punch, or he can just dodge or block. You can also mix attack from the Attack Page with Block and Dodge, but you can't do this Vegetunks: *Punch=Kick*. In the middle of the battle you can start to talk junk about you enemy by using this " at the beginning and this " at the end, but when you are talking make sure you don't use * at the beginning and * at the end, because this * means action and this * at the end means end action so if you do this Vegetunks: *I am going to destroy you, Goku* then it is Goku's turn to talk and do a action, your turn is not over into you put the * at the end. If you use " at the beginning when you start to speak and " at the end of what you typed then you still get to do a action using *, it is not the other person turn until you do the end action mark *. Example: Vegetunks: "I am going to kill you, Goku" *Charges at Goku* now it is Goku's turn Goku: "Come and get me you loser you will not destroy my Sayian power, AHHHHHHHHHHH" *Charges at Vegetunks* When you spar post it in the Forums under sparring and everything you and your enemy did when ya'll was sparring for I can see if ya'll did it right, when you battle post it in the Forums under Battling now post everything ya'll typed when ya'll was battling for me and the others can see it, if it is not posted then you will not get any PL points, now when you battle there will be a REF that read these rules all of them and know how to battle himself. Now I don't want to see anyone doing this Vegetunks: *Punches Goku, hits him in the face* that is not real RPing that is fake stuff, that a little kid made up. I want to see this Vegetunks: *Punches at Goku, in the face* that is good, with that "at" you it means that the attack is not complete yet, know it is Goku's turn to Block or dodge or take the hit, whatever he want to do. If there is more then two people battling or sparring the rules still count, you have to find the person with the higher speed, or strongest attack. Can members enter a battle that is already started and there is only 2 people fighting? Yes, all the members can enter a battle but not a spar, if you come online late and a battle for the earth is already started all you have to do is click on one of the members, that you think is in the fight and ask them to put you in conversation or we might fight in the chat room/battle room. For you can come in pick aside, and after one whole turn goes around then you will be in the battle as the last person to make a action command. Can you escape a battle to the death? Yes, yes you can if you got a space pod or space ship you can, if you got teleport you can, but when you use teleport to get out of a battle you will have to fight that member again that next day. With a Space Pod or Space ship you can get out of the battle, but you will have to bring you space pod to you, and if you have a space ship you will have to have it by you at all times. To escape do you have to have a certain HP? Yes your HP has to be 1-30 now that is to get in your space ship or space pod and leave you will have to bring your space pod to you so that is one turn. Example: Vegetunks HP-30 Ki-0: "HAHA you should had killed me" *Pushes 3bottons on his space pod remote, for it to come to him* Goku HP-250 Ki-150 "I will not let you go" *KA-MA-HAMA-HAAAAAAAAAAAAA* Vegetunks: "NOOOOOOOOOO" (REF: Vegetunks your space pod landed but you died.) You might not understand but see, Vegetunks died because he had no dodges or blocks left, and his HP was 30, and when he called for his space pod his HP was 30 then it was Goku's turn and Goku used his Kamahamaha to kill Vegetunks, now if Vegetunks had did this. Vegetunks HP-100 Ki-0 Dodges-0 Block-0: "HAHA I will return" *Pushes 3bottons for space can come to him* Goku HP-250 Ki-100 Dodges-0 Blocks-0: "Oh I am going to finish you off right NOW!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAA" *KA-MAHHAAAMAAAHAAAAA* Vegetunks HP-100 Ki-0 Dodges-0 Block-0 "NOOOOOOOOOO" *Takes the hit* (REF: Vegetunks HP-20 Goku Ki-40, Vegetunks your turn since you took the attack, and your space pod has landed and the door is open) Vegetunks: *Claims in his space pod to leave.* Goku: "NOOOOOOOOOO" (REF: Vegetunks, has escaped) Can you blow down the space pod when it is in the sky? Yes but you will have to had learn Tsuihidan, it will follow the ship and it will destroy it, now when you do this and the enemy got a faster ship then your speed the Tsuihidan can not catch the ship, and also since you shot the Tsuihidan at the ship or space pod that takes away from your Ki, and if the enemy got ki left and he is not out of the planets atmosphere then he can use a attack to blow the Tsuihidan away, and the enemy will escape. Can me and the enemy have Ki battles like I shoot a attack and he shoot a attack, and the both hit, who will win? Yes you can do that, and the person who will win is the one who puts more Ki into there Blast, if Vegetunks does Final Flash, and Goku does Kamahamaha, and Vegetunks got 500Ki, and he put all of it in his blast at once by typing *Final Flash 500KI* and Goku got 499Ki, and he put it all in by typing *Kamahamaha 499KI* Then Goku will lose that Blast Battle, and it will hurt as it would if he didn't block or dodge. You can sacrifice your self to save someone else (Like piccolo did when nappa shot that blast at gohan) you will have to learn that move though to use it. Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Attacks Punch: STR+30=what ever then divided by 7 (Once every 2turns) Kicks:STR+50=what ever then divided by 5 (Once Every 3turns) Attacks From Attack Page: Ki+STR+Power of Attack=what ever times 2= equals what ever you get divided by 20 Head butt: STR+10=what ever then divided by 15 (Anytime) Knee: STR+12=what ever then divided by 10 (Anytime) Elbow: STR+15=what ever then divided by 15 (Once every 2turns) Grab, Throw, Fly After, Super Kick: STR+SPD+50=what ever then divided by 3 (Once every 4turns) Grab, Throw, Super Ki Blast at the enemy: STR+SPD+Ki+60= whatever divided 4 Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Diving Blocks Regular Block: Add how strong that attack was that the enemy did to you, then subtract your DEF with that attack =(equals) what ever, then add that number that you just got, with you STR= whatever number you got then, divide by 30,= equal what ever that number is, and that's how much points you got taking away from your HP. Super Block: Add how strong that attack was that the enemy did to you, then subtract your DEF with that attack =(equals) what ever, then add that number that you just got, with you STR= whatever number you got then, divide by 60,= equal what ever that number is, and that's how much points you got taking away from your HP. You get 2 Regular Blocks, and 2 Super Block, in a battle or spar so use them well. You get 3 Dodges in a Battle or spar so use them well. (You can only dodge after all your dodges are up if your Speed is higher by 200 then your enemy's) Ki to subtract from your ki Every time you do a attack from the attack page you have to do this: Ki+STR+ The Power of the Attack= What ever, divide that number by 68= the amount of points taking away from your Ki Every time you want to charge up type *Charge Up* that makes your Ki go up by 10 but you that will be your turn.

The following is how you join Just post this info in the Forums page (message board, under Joining Board. Your PL will start at 50, that 50% will be split between KI,STR,SPD,DEF. Your HP will start out as 100%, which goes up as you level up your character.
Character Name:
Character's Age:
Good, Evil, or Nutural:
PL: 50