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Luciana was born in 1985 to Dr.Edward Dupont and his lovely wife Eliza Dupont Luciana had the American childhood that every child wishes they had. She went to the best private schools and to get anything she wanted all she had to say was "please daddy?" with a bat of her eyelashes. Despite all this Luciana turned into a terror in her teenage years. Between nights of partying and never coming home and being kicked out of 3 Catholic high schools her parents tried their best to help Luciana. Unfortunately their view of helping her was thinking that more material possessions and money would help appease their daughter. Whenever she had the slightest run in with the law her father would pull strings to help his daughter. And whenever Luciana tarnished the Dupont name her mother came running to the rescue hosting charity events. By the time Luciana was 18 she was completely out of control. She preferred the company of other drug addled teenagers and would go rummaging around all the hottest nightclubs in St.Louis looking for a new thrill. She indulged in anything that she deemed worthy of her attention and soon began to be spoiled by the attention of older men promising her anything she ever wanted. This is when Luciana found out one of the most important lessons that she would ever use; manipulation was as easy as a quick turn in a short skirt and a light giggle.