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The Ultimate Cavalia Fan Site

Welcome to the ultimate Cavalia fan website. This site is dedicated to the equestrian show Cavalia. Cavalia is an innovative multimedia extravaganza, infused with the equestrian arts, magic, and emotion. It pays homage to the poignant history and fascinating bond between man and horse. Cavalia is a poem written in the language of sound, image and extraordinary performance.

Cavalia blends dramatic visual effects, live music, dance and acrobatics with the bold presence of 53 horses-including the incredible Lusitanian stallions.

I am working on setting this site up and it may take a while, but I hope to finish it soon. So have patience and enjoy!

Thank you for visiting my page. Please come back and visit again!

The Show
The Two-Legged Artists
The Four-Legged Artists
Cavalia facts and numbers
Gallery I
Gallery II
Cavalia Website