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Colorado River Walkers | Email Me

Brushy Creek Volksmarch
June 24, 2006

Walk Start Volunteers.        Volunteers

historical marker      

Walk volunteers ahead of us are marking the trail.

Lots of umbrellas as we
cross the top of the dam.

Wilson District      

Looking down on the lake from the dam.

Nice wooded trail.      


Rock outcropping.

Bridge with waterfall underneath it.       


Historic Cemetery.

Checkpoint volunteers.        Summer's Mill

Salado Creek      

Looking down on another outcropping.

Information on the trail.       


Other walkers, not sure if they were volksmarchers or not.

Doris and Shirley       


Another waterfall.

Ed checking out the walking map.       


Brushy Creek Duck Pond

Duck/Goose information board.       


Low water crossing.

We're on the way back in.       


Meet and greet on the trail.

Shot of Brushy Creek through the trees.       


Back at the checkpoint and the rain has stopped.

Up the ramp to cross the dam.       


Volunteers at the start/finish.

Start table was still open.       

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