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The Web Ministry of 

The Southern Episcopal Church in the United States
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                          A Traditional Episcopal Church

                    “continuing steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship

                               and in the breaking of bread and prayers.”   Acts 2:42



Holy Trinity College
Dioceses and Missions
Do You Know?
Search For Peace
What We Believe
Presiding Bishop
Christian Links

We are traditional Episcopalians, seeking only to be what the Church was called to be. We continue the faith and practice of the Episcopal Church that was established in this country when the country was first founded.  We are not seeking to change the Apostle's doctrine, and we do not want to be a part of the "new-age" movement which puts people and self before our commitment to love God and humanity.  We believe the Holy Bible to be the full, inspired truth of God for all people, and for all times.


Our Mission

Dedicated to Preserving the Orthodox Faith and Practice of the Traditional Anglican Church and the Historic Episcopal Church in the United States.

Pray always for those who have let themselves be led into heresies by leaders who have lost the faith. That faith can only be found in His word.

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."

Some facts about The Southern Episcopal Church

We are a traditional Episcopal Church

We are a part of the traditional Anglican Communion

We use the 1928 Book of Common Prayer

We hold true Apostolic Succession and maintain valid sacraments.

Contact Information

Presiding Bishop  Huron C. Manning

Telephone:  615-837-1929

Fax:  615-834-7353


234 Willow Lane, Nashville TN 37211

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                           “An unchanging faith in an ever-changing world.”

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Copyright © 2006 Southern Episcopal Church
Last modified: October 03, 2006