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Welcome to my World!

Well, this is my little corner of the web. Feel free to look around and browse within the dusty novels in here. This place is for my writings and pictures I care to share. Click on the links below to go where u wanna go! Don't forget to leave me some love on the guestbook!
~Tryniti Rae~

Updates!!! April 24, 2006
It's a Girl!
Brooklyn Hailie Has arrived! Read the blog for more! The pics are up! Check them out on the 'It's a Girl' link.

Woot for progress!! I'm excited, I have new pics added as you may have noticed and some really awsome avatars I'm about to make into some fun random links! So, if you see the devil or the reaper, click and see what happens... O.o Still trying to get some of my pages coded right so for now the Stories and Poetry links are down (well actually they just send you to the top of this page...). I am not pleased with what happens with links and things so I am beating it all with a sledge hammer until it submits to my will. So enjoy! ~Rae

Under Construction!!

Under Construction!!

O.o Don't forget to feed and play with my penguin!
adopt your own virtual pet!

This is Fred, the brown bat in the Crystal Onyx Cave. He was adorable. This is pretty much actual size too, he's so tiny... LOL

