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Welcome, this site is for Playstation lovers and gamers of all ages, anyone not a playstation gamer feel free to leave immediately.  Only joking, but feel free to read on and get the insight from the guy who prides himself in gaming.  What you will read and see in this website has everything to do with the best system on the planet, and the best series on the best system on the planet.  The system, or console I'm talking about is the Sony PS2 and Sony PS3.  And of course, the series is that of the Final Fantasy series.
The Sony PS2 is the console I'm currently playing and the PS3 is due out sometime later this year.  I first experienced the Final Fantasy series on the Sony Playstation and have been hooked since.  I've played pretty much all the titles , VII, VIII, IX,  X, & X-2, which spans across the late period of the Playstation and early to mid periods of the PS2.
    The new Playstation 3                                    The older Playstation 2

   Screen shot from the new Final Fantasy VII                        Screen shot from Final Fantasy VII on PSone
   movie, Advent Children

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