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Wednesday, 18 February 2009

                 Learn how to have a fast growing joy filled church

                                                    PROPHECIES   OF   PROVERBS

The church that plays catch and release, boat will never get full, but they that catches then scales and guts have prepare themselfs for a great feast.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The man that prays for discernment will know who will stay and who will leave, so he only pick those that will stay and they that will leave he will not bother.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The preachers that entertain will draw a quick crowd, but entertainers are temporary and so is their crowds.   

                 There are reasons why some churches don't grow, if a man search out these reasons he will find that they all are Satan strategies.

                Common thing are strange but they are true, such as the color of your carpet, the type of pews, where are your bath rooms, and many more such like things.

                Excellents draws people in like the power of a magnet, but confusion drives them away.

                He that has wisdom to cause a church to grow can almost go anywhere and be successful.
                When a man fast he is yet being fed, because God feed's him with wisdom as he go without food.

                He that saved with love must keep on loving, but he that saved with fear must keep them afraid.

                Good music draws like a magnet and heals like medicine, but bad music increases the pain.
                A pastor must teach his church on how to witness, for this saying is true, For men that fish with nets will catch more fish than men that fish with hooks.

                Everyone can draw people to the church, even the hypocrites, for they are good at drawing other hypocrites like unto themself.

               The name of a church plays a part with its growth, some churches cannot grow just because of their names.

               Winning a soul is good thing, but what is greater is keeping a soul that has been won.
               Do men go fishing in the desert sand? I think not, but in water where fish are, so it is with a church in a bad location.

               When the rich get saved they brings with them a better building, but when the poor, a better church.

              When visitors visit make them feel at home, if done well enough, they will move in.

              When souls are won there will always be some that will come in just to pull those that are won back out, [ watch for them.]

              A preacher that is willing to adjust to the changing of times will find his church filled with young people.
              Let the old preachers act young and the young preachers act old in doing this you shall saved both young and old.
             The expectancy of new converts can only be found in prayer, The pastor that prays will meet their needs and strenghten their souls.
             There are a times when every man soul hungers for Christ,  if you can feed him before he fills himself with Christ substitutes you can saved him.

             A cd and a cassette are two recording utensils, but the one that is not with the times shall be less used, so is the church with God.
             When the fire of revival falls the enemy will be their with buckets to put it out, the pastor with wisdom knows his buckets are not filled with water but other things.

             The mine of a man is always searching, even a fool search for ways to be more foolish, so let the wise search for ways to be more wiser.

            The success of a man is in the amount of wisdom he has, a little wisdom brings a little success but much wisdom brings great achievements.
            Wisdom is a very important thing to have to win souls, but knowledge and understanding is not to far off.

             If wisdom is a gift from God then what is knowledge? Knowledge is the remembrance of the things that wisdom has taught you.
            So then what is understanding? Understanding is knowing how to used the knowledge that wisdom has taught you.
            Even as stars light up the sky so will be the souls won by the wise.             
            A pastor without these talents shall struggle, but special abilities is given unto all that seek the Lord.           
            Patients is also a important thing to have, without it, men have quit right before the break of revival.

            As I end this portion of the Prophecies of Proverbs, they that has understanding will used this knowledge and become successful.
            But they that are stubborn and have know understanding of these thing will face God in the judgement for souls they refused to learm how to reach.

            If any man call himself a preacher and refuse to win souls, shall give account of every souls he refuse to reach.

            Every soul that dies without warning shall be the fault that preacher that refuse to warn him.
            He that makes light of these things have no truth in himself, because he knows not the value of a man soul.

            Let every preacher be happy and his spirit rejoice because harvest time is just ahead, but sadness shall fall upon the preacher that has no knowledge doing the
            time of this harvest, for he shall yet be without souls...........          

Posted by planet/triumphministry at 2:30 PM EST
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                 Learn how to have a fast growing joy filled church

                                                    PROPHECIES   OF   PROVERBS

The church that plays catch and release, boat will never get full, but they that catches then scales and guts have prepare themselfs for a great feast.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The man that prays for discernment will know who will stay and who will leave, so he only pick those that will stay and they that will leave he will not bother.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The preachers that entertain will draw a quick crowd, but entertainers are temporary and so is their crowds.   

                 There are reasons why some churches don't grow, if a man search out these reasons he will find that they all are Satan strategies.

                Common thing are strange but they are true, such as the color of your carpet, the type of pews, where are your bath rooms, and many more such like things.

                Excellents draws people in like the power of a magnet, but confusion drives them away.

                He that has wisdom to cause a church to grow can almost go anywhere and be successful.
                When a man fast he is yet being fed, because God feed's him with wisdom as he go without food.

                He that saved with love must keep on loving, but he that saved with fear must keep them afraid.

                Good music draws like a magnet and heals like medicine, but bad music increases the pain.
                A pastor must teach his church on how to witness, for this saying is true, For men that fish with nets will catch more fish than men that fish with hooks.

                Everyone can draw people to the church, even the hypocrites, for they are good at drawing other hypocrites like unto themself.

               The name of a church plays a part with its growth, some churches cannot grow just because of their names.

               Winning a soul is good thing, but what is greater is keeping a soul that has been won.
               Do men go fishing in the desert sand? I think not, but in water where fish are, so it is with a church in a bad location.

               When the rich get saved they brings with them a better building, but when the poor, a better church.

              When visitors visit make them feel at home, if done well enough, they will move in.

              When souls are won there will always be some that will come in just to pull those that are won back out, [ watch for them.]

              A preacher that is willing to adjust to the changing of times will find his church filled with young people.
              Let the old preachers act young and the young preachers act old in doing this you shall saved both young and old.
             The expectancy of new converts can only be found in prayer, The pastor that prays will meet their needs and strenghten their souls.
             There are a times when every man soul hungers for Christ,  if you can feed him before he fills himself with Christ substitutes you can saved him.

             A cd and a cassette are two recording utensils, but the one that is not with the times shall be less used, so is the church with God.
             When the fire of revival falls the enemy will be their with buckets to put it out, the pastor with wisdom knows his buckets are not filled with water but other things.

             The mine of a man is always searching, even a fool search for ways to be more foolish, so let the wise search for ways to be more wiser.

            The success of a man is in the amount of wisdom he has, a little wisdom brings a little success but much wisdom brings great achievements.
            Wisdom is a very important thing to have to win souls, but knowledge and understanding is not to far off.

             If wisdom is a gift from God then what is knowledge? Knowledge is the remembrance of the things that wisdom has taught you.
            So then what is understanding? Understanding is knowing how to used the knowledge that wisdom has taught you.
            Even as stars light up the sky so will be the souls won by the wise.             
            A pastor without these talents shall struggle, but special abilities is given unto all that seek the Lord.           
            Patients is also a important thing to have, without it, men have quit right before the break of revival.

            As I end this portion of the Prophecies of Proverbs, they that has understanding will used this knowledge and become successful.
            But they that are stubborn and have know understanding of these thing will face God in the judgement for souls they refused to learm how to reach.

            If any man call himself a preacher and refuse to win souls, shall give account of every souls he refuse to reach.

            Every soul that dies without warning shall be the fault that preacher that refuse to warn him.
            He that makes light of these things have no truth in himself, because he knows not the value of a man soul.

            Let every preacher be happy and his spirit rejoice because harvest time is just ahead, but sadness shall fall upon the preacher that has no knowledge doing the
            time of this harvest, for he shall yet be without souls...........          

Posted by planet/triumphministry at 2:28 PM EST
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                 Learn how to have a fast growing joy filled church

                                                    PROPHECIES   OF   PROVERBS

The church that plays catch and release, boat will never get full, but they that catches then scales and guts have prepare themselfs for a great feast.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The man that prays for discernment will know who will stay and who will leave, so he only pick those that will stay and they that will leave he will not bother.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The preachers that entertain will draw a quick crowd, but entertainers are temporary and so is their crowds.   

                 There are reasons why some churches don't grow, if a man search out these reasons he will find that they all are Satan strategies.

                Common thing are strange but they are true, such as the color of your carpet, the type of pews, where are your bath rooms, and many more such like things.

                Excellents draws people in like the power of a magnet, but confusion drives them away.

                He that has wisdom to cause a church to grow can almost go anywhere and be successful.
                When a man fast he is yet being fed, because God feed's him with wisdom as he go without food.

                He that saved with love must keep on loving, but he that saved with fear must keep them afraid.

                Good music draws like a magnet and heals like medicine, but bad music increases the pain.
                A pastor must teach his church on how to witness, for this saying is true, For men that fish with nets will catch more fish than men that fish with hooks.

                Everyone can draw people to the church, even the hypocrites, for they are good at drawing other hypocrites like unto themself.

               The name of a church plays a part with its growth, some churches cannot grow just because of their names.

               Winning a soul is good thing, but what is greater is keeping a soul that has been won.
               Do men go fishing in the desert sand? I think not, but in water where fish are, so it is with a church in a bad location.

               When the rich get saved they brings with them a better building, but when the poor, a better church.

              When visitors visit make them feel at home, if done well enough, they will move in.

              When souls are won there will always be some that will come in just to pull those that are won back out, [ watch for them.]

              A preacher that is willing to adjust to the changing of times will find his church filled with young people.
              Let the old preachers act young and the young preachers act old in doing this you shall saved both young and old.
             The expectancy of new converts can only be found in prayer, The pastor that prays will meet their needs and strenghten their souls.
             There are a times when every man soul hungers for Christ,  if you can feed him before he fills himself with Christ substitutes you can saved him.

             A cd and a cassette are two recording utensils, but the one that is not with the times shall be less used, so is the church with God.
             When the fire of revival falls the enemy will be their with buckets to put it out, the pastor with wisdom knows his buckets are not filled with water but other things.

             The mine of a man is always searching, even a fool search for ways to be more foolish, so let the wise search for ways to be more wiser.

            The success of a man is in the amount of wisdom he has, a little wisdom brings a little success but much wisdom brings great achievements.
            Wisdom is a very important thing to have to win souls, but knowledge and understanding is not to far off.

             If wisdom is a gift from God then what is knowledge? Knowledge is the remembrance of the things that wisdom has taught you.
            So then what is understanding? Understanding is knowing how to used the knowledge that wisdom has taught you.
            Even as stars light up the sky so will be the souls won by the wise.             
            A pastor without these talents shall struggle, but special abilities is given unto all that seek the Lord.           
            Patients is also a important thing to have, without it, men have quit right before the break of revival.

            As I end this portion of the Prophecies of Proverbs, they that has understanding will used this knowledge and become successful.
            But they that are stubborn and have know understanding of these thing will face God in the judgement for souls they refused to learm how to reach.

            If any man call himself a preacher and refuse to win souls, shall give account of every souls he refuse to reach.

            Every soul that dies without warning shall be the fault that preacher that refuse to warn him.
            He that makes light of these things have no truth in himself, because he knows not the value of a man soul.

            Let every preacher be happy and his spirit rejoice because harvest time is just ahead, but sadness shall fall upon the preacher that has no knowledge doing the
            time of this harvest, for he shall yet be without souls...........                                                     

Posted by planet/triumphministry at 2:07 PM EST
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                 Learn how to have a fast growing joy filled church

                                                    PROPHECIES   OF   PROVERBS

The church that plays catch and release, boat will never get full, but they that catches then scales and guts have prepare themselfs for a great feast.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The man that prays for discernment will know who will stay and who will leave, so he only pick those that will stay and they that will leave he will not bother.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The preachers that entertain will draw a quick crowd, but entertainers are temporary and so is their crowds.   

                 There are reasons why some churches don't grow, if a man search out these reasons he will find that they all are Satan strategies.

                Common thing are strange but they are true, such as the color of your carpet, the type of pews, where are your bath rooms, and many more such like things.

                Excellents draws people in like the power of a magnet, but confusion drives them away.

                He that has wisdom to cause a church to grow can almost go anywhere and be successful.
                When a man fast he is yet being fed, because God feed's him with wisdom as he go without food.

                He that saved with love must keep on loving, but he that saved with fear must keep them afraid.

                Good music draws like a magnet and heals like medicine, but bad music increases the pain.
                A pastor must teach his church on how to witness, for this saying is true, For men that fish with nets will catch more fish than men that fish with hooks.

                Everyone can draw people to the church, even the hypocrites, for they are good at drawing other hypocrites like unto themself.

               The name of a church plays a part with its growth, some churches cannot grow just because of their names.

               Winning a soul is good thing, but what is greater is keeping a soul that has been won.
               Do men go fishing in the desert sand? I think not, but in water where fish are, so it is with a church in a bad location.

               When the rich get saved they brings with them a better building, but when the poor, a better church.

              When visitors visit make them feel at home, if done well enough, they will move in.

              When souls are won there will always be some that will come in just to pull those that are won back out, [ watch for them.]

              A preacher that is willing to adjust to the changing of times will find his church filled with young people.
              Let the old preachers act young and the young preachers act old in doing this you shall saved both young and old.
             The expectancy of new converts can only be found in prayer, The pastor that prays will meet their needs and strenghten their souls.
             There are a times when every man soul hungers for Christ,  if you can feed him before he fills himself with Christ substitutes you can saved him.

             A cd and a cassette are two recording utensils, but the one that is not with the times shall be less used, so is the church with God.
             When the fire of revival falls the enemy will be their with buckets to put it out, the pastor with wisdom knows his buckets are not filled with water but other things.

             The mine of a man is always searching, even a fool search for ways to be more foolish, so let the wise search for ways to be more wiser.

            The success of a man is in the amount of wisdom he has, a little wisdom brings a little success but much wisdom brings great achievements.
            Wisdom is a very important thing to have to win souls, but knowledge and understanding is not to far off.

             If wisdom is a gift from God then what is knowledge? Knowledge is the remembrance of the things that wisdom has taught you.
            So then what is understanding? Understanding is knowing how to used the knowledge that wisdom has taught you.
            Even as stars light up the sky so will be the souls won by the wise.             
            A pastor without these talents shall struggle, but special abilities is given unto all that seek the Lord.           
            Patients is also a important thing to have, without it, men have quit right before the break of revival.

            As I end this portion of the Prophecies of Proverbs, they that has understanding will used this knowledge and become successful.
            But they that are stubborn and have know understanding of these thing will face God in the judgement for souls they refused to learm how to reach.

            If any man call himself a preacher and refuse to win souls, shall give account of every souls he refuse to reach.

            Every soul that dies without warning shall be the fault that preacher that refuse to warn him.
            He that makes light of these things have no truth in himself, because he knows not the value of a man soul.

            Let every preacher be happy and his spirit rejoice because harvest time is just ahead, but sadness shall fall upon the preacher that has no knowledge doing the
            time of this harvest, for he shall yet be without souls...........                                                     

Posted by planet/triumphministry at 2:03 PM EST
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                 Learn how to have a fast growing joy filled church

                                                    PROPHECIES   OF   PROVERBS

The church that plays catch and release, boat will never get full, but they that catches then scales and guts have prepare themselfs for a great feast.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The man that prays for discernment will know who will stay and who will leave, so he only pick those that will stay and they that will leave he will not bother.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The preachers that entertain will draw a quick crowd, but entertainers are temporary and so is their crowds.   

                 There are reasons why some churches don't grow, if a man search out these reasons he will find that they all are Satan strategies.

                Common thing are strange but they are true, such as the color of your carpet, the type of pews, where are your bath rooms, and many more such like things.

                Excellents draws people in like the power of a magnet, but confusion drives them away.

                He that has wisdom to cause a church to grow can almost go anywhere and be successful.
                When a man fast he is yet being fed, because God feed's him with wisdom as he go without food.

                He that saved with love must keep on loving, but he that saved with fear must keep them afraid.

                Good music draws like a magnet and heals like medicine, but bad music increases the pain.
                A pastor must teach his church on how to witness, for this saying is true, For men that fish with nets will catch more fish than men that fish with hooks.

                Everyone can draw people to the church, even the hypocrites, for they are good at drawing other hypocrites like unto themself.

               The name of a church plays a part with its growth, some churches cannot grow just because of their names.

               Winning a soul is good thing, but what is greater is keeping a soul that has been won.
               Do men go fishing in the desert sand? I think not, but in water where fish are, so it is with a church in a bad location.

               When the rich get saved they brings with them a better building, but when the poor, a better church.

              When visitors visit make them feel at home, if done well enough, they will move in.

              When souls are won there will always be some that will come in just to pull those that are won back out, [ watch for them.]

              A preacher that is willing to adjust to the changing of times will find his church filled with young people.
              Let the old preachers act young and the young preachers act old in doing this you shall saved both young and old.
             The expectancy of new converts can only be found in prayer, The pastor that prays will meet their needs and strenghten their souls.
             There are a times when every man soul hungers for Christ,  if you can feed him before he fills himself with Christ substitutes you can saved him.

             A cd and a cassette are two recording utensils, but the one that is not with the times shall be less used, so is the church with God.
             When the fire of revival falls the enemy will be their with buckets to put it out, the pastor with wisdom knows his buckets are not filled with water but other things.

             The mine of a man is always searching, even a fool search for ways to be more foolish, so let the wise search for ways to be more wiser.

            The success of a man is in the amount of wisdom he has, a little wisdom brings a little success but much wisdom brings great achievements.
            Wisdom is a very important thing to have to win souls, but knowledge and understanding is not to far off.

             If wisdom is a gift from God then what is knowledge? Knowledge is the remembrance of the things that wisdom has taught you.
            So then what is understanding? Understanding is knowing how to used the knowledge that wisdom has taught you.
            Even as stars light up the sky so will be the souls won by the wise.             
            A pastor without these talents shall struggle, but special abilities is given unto all that seek the Lord.           
            Patients is also a important thing to have, without it, men have quit right before the break of revival.

            As I end this portion of the Prophecies of Proverbs, they that has understanding will used this knowledge and become successful.
            But they that are stubborn and have know understanding of these thing will face God in the judgement for souls they refused to learm how to reach.

            If any man call himself a preacher and refuse to win souls, shall give account of every souls he refuse to reach.

            Every soul that dies without warning shall be the fault that preacher that refuse to warn him.
            He that makes light of these things have no truth in himself, because he knows not the value of a man soul.

            Let every preacher be happy and his spirit rejoice because harvest time is just ahead, but sadness shall fall upon the preacher that has no knowledge doing the
            time of this harvest, for he shall yet be without souls...........                                                     

Posted by planet/triumphministry at 2:03 PM EST
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