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Merry Meet and Welcome to the webpage of the

Trenton Pub Moot


Wanted: Pagans/Wiccans who would like to meet other people in the Quinte area for the purposes of feeling part of a larger faith community!

For: a pub moot once a month to meet and greet other like-minded family-oriented people, to chat about our beliefs, practises, parenting, to share ideas, relax and unwind, and have a few laughs with some other pagans.

So if you've been feeling like the only Wiccan/Pagan in Trenton, Quinte, Belleville, or even in the county--take heart, and come on out to meet some others who've been aching for other positive Pagan folk who are interested in socializing.

Please note that as we're meeting in a pub this is an adults only event; however, stay posted--because if enough of us are interested we may organize future child-friendly events.

Where: Our first moot will be held at the Celtic Pub in Trenton on King St.(which--if you're parked in the parking lot behind Shopper's Drug Mart will be right across from the Parking lot--beside Jonzie's tattoos)

I'm not sure if this is the best location; however, I've spoken to Nettie one of the owners to see if we could have a Pagan moot there, and she said that "Everyone's welcome!" and she seemed excited to have more business. We'll give it a try and see if it is the positive environment we're trying to manifest--if not we'll switch and keep you posted.

When: the first Monday of every month (Beginning February 5th 2007) at 6pm until 8 (or whenever) **Please note that I'll wait until 7 if I'm the only one and then leave if noone has shown up. Of course if you show up at 10 to 7 of course I'll stay and socialize--but if after waiting a full hour noone has shown up--and I've had enough alone time, then I'll go home and hang out with my husband and kids ;)

***As with any activity/event we ask that all discussions at the moot follow the princpal of the rede and respect other people's varying opinions and likewise their personal privacy. As some of us are out of the broom closet, but it is possible that others may not be.



Current Moon phase information from the Old Farmer's Almanac

A great local holistic business with some Pagan stuff (our Witchvox sponsor too--thanks Kim!)

A great pagan site with articles, links, and essays

By the way: I don't know if you've heard about the soldier who died in Afghanistan who was pagan, and who's widow was refused the right to put the symbol of a pentagram on his gravestone...the military said they only have 30 approved symbols for gravestones and that a pentagram wasn't one of them. Well...good news Selena Fox of Circle Sanctuary in the States--along with this fallen soldier's widow, and other pagans united to honour this man's faith. Here's a link to an article about it :

yeah Pagans!

And an inspirational song about the issue that I found online --Enjoy! :)




Blessed Be--I hope to see you soon at one of the Pub Moots! If you have any questions feel free to email Theresa at

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