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paczki tuesday
Its that time of year again: the time when we wacky Michiganders roll off of our collective futon, fight on a pair of Dickies, lumber out to the four-wheeler and roll over to the indie bakery of our choice for a taste of the phenomenon known only as paczki. (Alright, its also known as punchki and roughly six other things, but I digress.)

The singular noun paczek is pronounced pohn-check its pluralized version, paczki, is pronounced punch-key.

Paczki Day is the feast of plenty that comes before the Catholic tradition of Lent. During Lent, church patrons would commonly give up sweets and other pleasures as a gesture of reverence toward Jesus in the 40-day period preceding Easter. Paczki Day is a time to plop down and say, Hey, Im going to get a bunch of ultra-fatty, pseudo-doughnut hybrids. For Jesus.

Wildly enough, In Poland, Paczki Day goes down on the Thursday before Ash Wednesday, known as Tlusty Czwartek (thats Polish talk for Fat Thursday). Here, we refer to Paczki Day as Fat Tuesday due in large part to the fact that we have no respect for tradition.

On Fat Tuesday, Paczki sail out of Polish bakeries like seals on a butter slide. Thats right; were talking millions.

Those interested in making their own delicious paczki creations should either try to find a recipe online or buy a cookbook.

how to make paczki

how to make douhnut pazcki

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