Kgirl9113 (2:39:24 PM): okay well.
Kgirl9113 (2:39:30 PM): can you guys give me a few to work on the essay?
Kgirl9113 (2:39:35 PM): like an hour or so?
Kgirl9113 (2:39:45 PM): she isn't even on yet, anyway
q UACKman35 (2:40:35 PM): yeah
Kgirl9113 (2:45:44 PM): so how did the rest of the thing go?
q UACKman35 (2:55:22 PM): oh
q UACKman35 (2:55:24 PM): well
q UACKman35 (2:55:30 PM): it was okay
Kgirl9113 (2:59:25 PM): can i ask you not to speak to me condescendingly?
Kgirl9113 (2:59:32 PM): i mean, i know i'm the dumbest of the entire group
Kgirl9113 (3:00:06 PM): but seriously, it's grating on my nerves.
q UACKman35 (3:00:52 PM): uhhmmm, i dont really know what you mean (except i know this sounds condescending kind of) its not like im trying to put you down or anything
Kgirl9113 (3:01:11 PM): it surely seems as if you're trying to put me IN my place as the dumber one.
Kgirl9113 (3:01:17 PM): half of the time, it's purely a mistake that i've made
Kgirl9113 (3:01:41 PM): not because i'm can't get it through my head. because i was not told information.
Kgirl9113 (3:01:49 PM): so please, don't expect me to know crap when i wasn't told about it.
q UACKman35 (3:01:56 PM): dude
q UACKman35 (3:02:02 PM): i really think youre over reacting
Kgirl9113 (3:02:16 PM): no. not really. and it's not like i'm blowing up all of a sudden today
Kgirl9113 (3:02:21 PM): i'ev just kept my mouth shut for a while.
q UACKman35 (3:02:33 PM): i only said that parade thing because weve been doing this for 3 years now
q UACKman35 (3:02:38 PM): theres always been a parade
q UACKman35 (3:02:53 PM): and sometimes.. u just dont use your common sense
Kgirl9113 (3:03:12 PM): explain to me how i'm supposed to know about something if i don't know about it?
Kgirl9113 (3:03:18 PM): if i was never told?
q UACKman35 (3:03:27 PM): you didnt know there was a parade?
q UACKman35 (3:03:37 PM): uhmm, there was a parade last year
q UACKman35 (3:03:41 PM): there was a parade the year before
q UACKman35 (3:03:48 PM): you didnt know key club helped?
q UACKman35 (3:04:01 PM): last year seniors went and did the parade
q UACKman35 (3:04:12 PM): maybe you ought to pay attention more?
q UACKman35 (3:04:12 PM): idk
q UACKman35 (3:04:17 PM): im not going to get into this
q UACKman35 (3:04:25 PM): im sorry if thats the way it sounded
q UACKman35 (3:04:28 PM): it was not my intent
q UACKman35 (3:04:40 PM): i guess ill be more "cautioned" around you
q UACKman35 (3:04:44 PM): thats just the way i talk
q UACKman35 (3:04:49 PM): and i dont think youre "dumber"
q UACKman35 (3:05:09 PM): i think you may not know whats appropriate and whats not, though
q UACKman35 (3:05:11 PM): idk
q UACKman35 (3:05:20 PM): i was in a really good mood, so im not gonna let this ruin it
q UACKman35 (3:05:39 PM): so, ima change the subject now
q UACKman35 (3:05:44 PM): do you know where hanan is?
Kgirl9113 (3:06:41 PM): use your common sense. call her.
q UACKman35 (3:07:06 PM): okay for real. that was just spiteful.
q UACKman35 (3:07:26 PM): the only reason i even asked was to try and steer the conversation to a more nice one
q UACKman35 (3:07:53 PM): i dont know, i guess you just get hung over stuff too easily
q UACKman35 (3:08:02 PM): all this stuff isnt even that big of a deal
q UACKman35 (3:09:46 PM): whatever. im just gonna forget about this and give you the benefit of the doubt and just file this as a mood swing or something
q UACKman35 (3:11:17 PM): because atm, i like you (not like, you know like like, but as a person) and were gonna need to work together on alot of stuff this year
q UACKman35 (3:12:13 PM): so if you have problems with me, next time, tell me when it happens and not 7 hours later and i dont know, be more tactful or something. instead of sounding like a jerk.
Kgirl9113 (3:16:39 PM): i don't quite deal with things that way.
Kgirl9113 (3:16:47 PM): i like to yell.
Kgirl9113 (3:16:50 PM): or use caps.
Kgirl9113 (3:17:01 PM): but if that floats your boat.
Kgirl9113 (3:17:02 PM): fine.
q UACKman35 (3:18:02 PM): did you just seriously say "i dont like to confront the problem when it arises.. i like to wait til later and yell.." whatever, im over this.
q UACKman35 (3:18:07 PM): call me when hanan gets on
q UACKman35 (3:18:11 PM): so we can finsih the lab
q UACKman35 (3:18:34 PM): hopefully we can be "civil"
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