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After a Visit From Ralph
An Attempt to Get Along
Bad Backaches, the Flu?
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Eating Out Tonight? Maybe
Free to Get Work Done!
Hot Water! Aint It Great!
Linda's Coming Over
Maybe It's Getting Better
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Murphy's Law
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Out To Eat On a Weekday
Over the Flu
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I Was Just Thinking
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Yay!!! Hot Water Today!!!
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Catching Up On Work, Taking a Shower, & Celebrating!!!
Topic: Hot Water! Aint It Great!
Last night Art fixed up the pipes, and hooked up the new water heater. I'm sooo glad! Going to take a shower; and finally get the soap all out of my hair this time! I hope we can go down to Madison to see our new grand daughter, Grace, soon. Maybe this weekend! I want to get her the cutest outfit I can find; and a really nice toy that she will like! Busy day today! Gotta go. By the way, if you want to read more recent posts; click on the "I Was Just Thinking" link.

Posted by planet/thought-wanderer at 8:12 AM CST
Updated: Friday, March 31, 2006 8:02 PM CST
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
No Water All Day Today!
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: If Anything Can Go Wrong, It Will
Topic: Murphy's Law
Art fixed the pipes last night, so we had cold water. I washed clothes last night, and did dishes. This morning when I turned the dishwasher on to do dishes, the pipes broke again. I had to turn the water off, & mop up the basement. I had to shut off the water by the filter system in the basement, so the water couldn't get to the leaky pipe. Tonight Art is fixing the pipes again; and I hope he's hooking up the new water heater. Maybe that's too much to hope, though. I hate sponge baths, and washing my hair in the sink! Actually, it is better that not having any water, and washing up in a public rest room! That is the pits! Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Posted by planet/thought-wanderer at 8:10 PM CST
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Monday, March 27, 2006
It's Great to Have Water Again!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Gotta Catch Up On My Wash and Dishes!
Topic: Busy Day Today!
I'm going to be very busy today! We haven't had water for awhile. The pipes broke! That was right after the water heater broke, and we bought a new one. Art (my husband) tried to install it, and the pipes broke! Now we have water, but no hot. I can still wash dishes with the dishwasher, because it heats the water. I can wash clothes with All. I want to wash my hair; so I'll have to heat some water, and put it in the wash dish. Then I can take a sponge bath in the water from my hair. Sounds like a good plan; I hope it works! If it goes like my weekend did, it won't. I guess I ought to look at the bright side. Art is still working this week! He's working 10 hour days! We're glad, because he has been laid off. Any chance he gets to work until he retires this spring is very much appreciated! Gotta go. Lots of work to do!

Posted by planet/thought-wanderer at 8:36 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 8:19 PM CST
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Wednesday Night, and Going to Bed Early
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Going to Sleep Tonight Watching a Movie
Topic: Snowstorm On the Way!
Tomorrow is going to be a snowey day! I just have a few errands to run in town. We postponed the trip to Coloma, out to the farm. We'll do that another time! Art is working this week. That's good news; and he's working next week, too. At first, when he got laid off, it was kind of like a vacation. Now it's not. We're just glad any day that he works. We thought the Union could help him keep his job. Not so! It's because of the Union that he can't keep working. He has to get laid off when his turn comes. It has nothing to do with how well he works. It has to do with seniority. It's too bad that the place is downsizing, or shutting down. Like I said, we're just glad any day that Art gets a chance to work!

Posted by planet/thought-wanderer at 8:19 PM CST
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
Sunday Night, and I'm Staying Home From Church
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Spending the Whole Day Home!
Topic: Some Kind of Virus?
I thought I was over the flu; but now, I don't know! I've got to be over this soon, because Tuesday I want to go take Landon his birthday gift; and Thursday we want to go videotape a performance. It's always something! It seems that we end up with things to keep us busy all the time! At least we don't have time to be bored.

I guess I don't have to worry about what to wear! I always wear dress pants, and a sweater or shirt. I remember doing a wedding, and wearing a skirt; and when I stepped up on the stool to reach the video camera that was high up on the tripod, to zoom; I stepped on the skirt. That almost turned out awful! Ever since, I wear pants!

Well, I am going to go rest now. Church will be over soon; and Art will be home. We had to get someone to take my place on the video mixing board at church. It's nice that we are part of a video team there.
It's different when we do weddings, or promotionals, or specials. Then it's just Art and I. Then we have to be there no matter what!

Posted by planet/thought-wanderer at 6:56 PM CST
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Thursday, March 9, 2006
Art's Back to Work!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: He's Back to Work, For Now!
Topic: Free to Get Work Done!
Well, Art's back to work today; but we don't know about tomorrow. He's been laid off, but it looks like he might be working once a week, or every two weeks, or something. He doesn't know what to expect; he doesn't even know where he will be sent from day to day that he works. It makes it hard for him; because he needs to take tools sometimes. I have errands to run. Like I have to go to the UPS store, and to the church, and to Walmart. I can't take the video to the TV station today; so that will be another errand tomorrow. I have to do some house cleaning while Art is gone today, because Art doesn't like the sound of the vacuum cleaner. Noises bother him. I also have wash to do. I want to wash sheets and quilts. It's a busy day today!

Posted by planet/thought-wanderer at 9:11 AM CST
Updated: Friday, March 24, 2006 9:34 AM CST
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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
We're Going to Visit Friends On a Farm By Coloma
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: Gotta Hurry; So Much to Do!
Topic: Busy Day Today!
I'm going to make an omlet for breakfast. Then I will have to get bill paying done, and phone calls made. I probably won't have to make supper. We will probably eat on the way home from Coloma. That is the restaurant where the shrimp is so good!

My computer is doing much better today! I thought I was going to lose a Web Page yesterday! Lucky for me, I always save copies!

Gotta go for now.

Posted by planet/thought-wanderer at 8:16 AM CST
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Sunday, March 5, 2006
Sunday Afternoon on a Snowey Day
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: I Just Got Off the Phone With Chris
Topic: Over the Flu
I have been talking to Chris (our daughter) on the phone. We talked for so long that I am about to go take a nap. I'm still tired. Just getting over being sick makes you want to sleep all the time. Chris was on the ferry going from Galveston on her way back to Louisiana. She seemed in a good mood. She has been visiting with Suzy and Cindy, her friends. We were talking about her plans, and our plans; and about visiting her. I'm going to go, because I'm going to go rest. I'm going to church tonight and doing the video mixing. I will be doing that, unless there is someone that we are training that wants a chance for getting more experience.

Posted by planet/thought-wanderer at 3:14 PM CST
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Monday, February 27, 2006
Still Home With the Flu
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Some Days It's Just Better to Stay in Bed!
Topic: When Will I Be Better?
I have only gone out to the store, and to church, about two or three times since Valentines Day! That's how it is when you have the flu, I guess. I'm just waiting it out. I just get done what I have to; and the rest will have to wait. I rest often, with the heating pad against my back. To keep occupied, I either go on the Internet, or watch a movie. I have some really crazy Mr. Bean videos. I watched them yesterday. We have a collection of Amos and Andy radio shows, and videos; and I've been watching, and listening to them. Since we collect movies, I have a lot of them to watch. I had to postpone a birthday celebration with Linda, my daughter tomorrow; maybe later in the week.

Posted by planet/thought-wanderer at 7:11 PM CST
Updated: Wednesday, March 1, 2006 8:22 AM CST
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Monday, February 20, 2006
Monday, Staying At Home
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Too Achey to Go Anywhere, Maybe It's the Flu
Topic: Bad Backaches, the Flu?
I have been staying home since the day after Valentines Day! I have been sick. Actually, Valentines Day turned out O.K.. It's just that everyone has such big expectations for Valentines Day - including me. Going to an A&W at a service station on the way to a farm, and visiting with some super nice and very talented people; and then being serenaded to, was a very nice way to spend the evening. I really hope we didn't spoil their Valentines Day, though. Like, I hope we didn't stay too long, spoiling any of their plans. I am starting to get a little better today. I'm hoping to be able to celebrate our daughter, Linda's Birthday with her next week the 28th. I want to either make a nice dinner for her, or take her out to eat. I'm going to go sit in the recliner with a heating pad on my back now.

Posted by planet/thought-wanderer at 6:54 PM CST
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