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The Truth About Elayne

The Truth About Elayne

or...."Ethics: The process of determining right and wrong conduct."

The following story contains DECEPTION.....UNETHICAL BEHAVIOUR....MALICIOUS INTENTIONS.....GREED....and complete disregard for copyright!
(sorry, but no nudity..;-))!!
So, if you do not want to read about any of this, please do not proceed.


My name is Ulrike (Ulla) Manza, formerly from High Falls,GA.
I used to breed and show English and Giant Angoras and my rabbitry name was "Hasenhof".
Because I closed down my rabbitry roughly 8 years ago,only a few of you may remember me, and my bloodline has most likely disappeared from pedigrees.
It has lately come to my attention that a certain, well known angora breeder has been taking credit for one of my very best rabbbits and has also taken my artwork.... altered it and is using it on her website.

The photos that you see here depict "Hasenhof's Lady Elayne".
This beautiful Giant Angora won 6 BIS for me but sadly never reproduced. When I closed down my rabbitry, I gave this bunny to Kim Gay. Elayne was about 2 1/2 years old by then.
Not long after Elayne changed hands, I was told by Kim that she had passed away without any offspring to carry on her genetic traits.
While it is true that I shared photos of quite a few of my winning rabbits with Kim Gay more than 8 years ago, I NEVER gave her permission to use Elayne's pictures to represent her breed on her website.
Nor did I ever give her permission to omit my rabbitry name, in order to make it look like it is a bunny from her own rabbitry, and to take credit for Elayne's winnings.
Please follow the link on the bottom of this page to visit her website and see the caption underneath my rabbit's photo!

But get's better:

But gets even better....

img I have fiddled around with artwork for many, many years now and ALWAYS either sign or initial my drawings.
This signature or initial is placed inside of the drawing, so that it cannot be cropped. However....anyone who knows how to use a photo editor can simply smudge or erase it.
If you follow the link to Kim Gay's website that I have provided below, you will see a black and white pencil drawing of a giant angora. This graphic that you see there, and consequently on just about every single page of her site is one of my originals from "way back".
It plainly shows the lack of signature or initials. does show signs of tampering, such as the use of white medium to highlight certain areas(which is never done on a pencil drawing drawing)
I honestly do not remember giving Kim Gay permission to use my graphic as a logo on her website, and I DEFINITLY never gave her permission to erase my initials to make it appear as if it is her own work.
Who would???????
As far as I know, this is considered Plagiarism and can be grounds for a lawsuit and/or criminal charges.
Even after having been confronted with these accusations by more than one breeder, she responds with divine arrogance and denies any wrong doings.
She claimed on one particular message board that she has changed my drawing over the years, so therefore it is not my work anymore anyway.
By that statement, did she mean she has changed the drawing by removing my initials and adding white smudges?

This is simply outrageous behavior, what do you think??
Please feel free to send me an e-mail if you have any questions or comments!
Thank you for your time.
Ulla Manza

get this gear!

Visit the site below to see for yourself

Kim Gay's Website