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do they exsit
Sunday, 1 April 2007
this is really weird
this evening i was eating dinner with my folks and i looked out and saw this big black object that was cigar shaped fly across the sky then move at a 90 degree angle up and then it was gone

Posted by planet/thetruthisoutthere at 10:03 PM CDT
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Thursday, 29 March 2007
more than meets the eye
Now Playing: government cover ups
what the government is telling us about ufos and aliens is not all that they know they are hidding things from us and that freedom of informantions act is not totaly true they will give u the the docs but they are not complete they have things blacked out from them. now there are a few of u who thinks that all of the documentation since the 1947 crash in raswell new mexico that they did not have the time to take care of all this so called shared informantion but beleave me they do. there ar ppl in the government that all they do all day is go and take out what they dont want u to know.... there are numerus reports in kansas alone of ufos (unidentafied flying objects)one report says that the objects they saw had lights way off in the distance but as they got closer they kept the same distance from them...

Posted by planet/thetruthisoutthere at 1:20 PM CDT
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this is weird
yesterday i was working on my comp like i do every day and i looked out the window and i saw a bird just fall out of the sky when i went to look at it the bird had a broken neck. now i am no exspert but when a bird is in the air it just cant get a broken neck... so it had to have hit something that was there but not able to be seen... that isnt all i am a bit of a ufo researcher and well i have the equipemt to find radeation and so i took it just incase.. well the bird had small levals of radiation. not enough to hurt us but sure enough to cause the device to go off. if any one else has had any thing like this happen let me know my email is when u do plz type ufo sightings.....
more on this later

Posted by planet/thetruthisoutthere at 12:49 PM CDT
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Sunday, 25 March 2007
do they exsit
in my opinion aliens do exist and come to earth on a regular basis. there are to many unexsplained things that have happened in the last 100 years to denie it, further more there are to many stories out there about people who have seen them and or been abducted by them. now i am one of those people who has seen them first hand.
last summer in early july i saw what at first apeared to be spot lights but they didnt follow in the set patterns that spot lights do they jumped over eachother and then just disapeared.
the second time i was out side and i saw a triagular shaped object just sitting in the air not moving and not makeing any sound there was a light on all three points of it. they were bighter than any i have ever seen. there was one red light comming form the center of the object.
it was there for about a min and then the next thing i knew i was in a cow pasture and it was two days later at the time i didnt know what day it was nor could i remember how i got there.

Posted by planet/thetruthisoutthere at 1:03 AM CDT
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