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Belief in God is a Very, Very Serious Thing

Are you afraid of dying?
Joy and holiness are inseparable
The benefits of forgiveness
Why the Bible is not of scientific interest
Mastering the passions and learning non-sexual love
Poetry used to be primarily a performance art
To achieve peace of mind, make others' lives better

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Is belief in God beneficial?
Is belief in God necessary?
How can I convince someone to believe in God?
How long will conversion take?
Must I curtail hedonistic pleasures (food, wine, sex, music)?
Does God approve of insurance policies?
Does God approve of mortgages?
Does God have any physical traits?
Does God have any psychological traits?
Will God increase my wealth?
Will God give me true love?
Does God have a favorite nation, race, or language?

Flying Spaghetti MonsterSome people believe
they have been touched
by a noodly appendage.
Read God's Government's Reports on Iraq.