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The Honda Civic And Why Everyone Should Have One

Why should you own a Civic?

Check out these important reasons:






The Honda Civic And Why Everyone Should Have One

Since 1972, the Honda Civic has been distributed throughout the world. Until that year, the Honda Motor Corporation only produced motorcycles. The release of the Civic was Honda's first step in becoming one of the world's largest and most reliable automakers.

Because of the Civic's integral role of introducing Honda to the world of cars, it has been kept alive and changed with the world around it. However, despite the changes in body style and the addition of new features, the Civic has always served a purpose:

To be a true representation of efficiency.

Efficiency is getting the most out of something, while putting in the least. Honda has done this well with all aspects of the Civic. Within this website is a concise breakdown of all the factors that make the Civic an award winning automobile.