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The Official Chris and Jon Show Website
  The Official Chris and Jon Show Website
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Current Projects
  Saturday March 1st, 2008
Well Ladies and Gentleman, This and That Productions is very pleased to say that we will be returning to work. The writers strike is over and we have successfully supported the writers into getting more rights and deals. With the strike over, we can return to filming and editing the Chris and Jon Show. The epic battles rages on with the Evil Dr. Yay. Will Chuckin It with Chuck and Capt. Stranger Danger be able to vanquish him? Stay tuned and find out. In terms of our film productions, we have many stories on the back burner as well as My Father's Killer Part 2 in production. Please, tune back in to see the biggest development that This and That Productions has in store.It's gonna be a doozie!!
From ours to yours,

The This and That Crew

Thursday July 12th, 2007
Well my fans
as you may have heard, And Jon has been saved thanks to my heroic efforts. I can say that thanks to me, The Chris and Jon Show can continue. See how I was able to save the day yet again over in the Videos Section.
Please, please people. Your donations aren't necessary, just the next time you see me, just be sure to gravel. Until next time, fans:

Captain Stranger Danger Power!

Thursday May 24 2007
Ha Ha Fuckers!
Hello Viewers, as you may know it's Dr. Yay here taking over the world and The Chris and Jon Show Airwaves! Muahahaha! Try and kick me off their show will they? Assholes! For all my true fans out there see my latest stunt in the dumbasses'Videos Section Hey, have you guys ever seen Scarface? I love that movie it's like they made a movie about my life or somethin. But oh well i forgot what i was saying. I've got to go, And Jon's Chewing through his ropes again. Oh, and Stranger Danger, you will never find me you aren't even a real super Hero, you costume wearing freak!
Until Next time evil doers! Muahahahaha

Dr. Yay Oh! I love that part!

Our Myspace Page

This and That Productions

Current Projects:

Editing: Episode 9
In Production: My Father's Killer, Part 2


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