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The Bird Nerd


Welcome to The Bird Nerd!

The Bird Nerd is currently under construction. Please be patient while we upload and update out files!

The Bird Nerd is not yet fully up and running, and it may be a while before it is. It will be the ONLY comprehensive pet bird encyclopedia on the Internet. We hope to eventually include parrots, softbills, finches and relavies, quail, pheasants, doves, pigeons, waterfowl and raptors commonly used in falconry to our database along with artricles on proper care, product tests, bird watching hotspots, bird-friendly hotels and more!

Please note, the authors of this website take no responsibility for any injury caused by the information contained herein. USE THIS WEBSITE AT YOU OWN RISK! Take all information with a grain of salt- not everything works perfectly in every situation.