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Dream Spirits

Welcome to
The Witching Hours

A place for you to feel safe
and through magic have what you want

Today is

Reclaim your Personal Power - Take yourself to a higher level of your gifts.
LOVE SPELL ~ $65.00

MONEY SPELL ~ $65.00


If you do not see a spell here, this is what the custom spell is for.



Blessed Be


After Payment is done E-mail us with the details in which you want your spell to be. Blessed Be.

Welcome! In service to the Goddess

Hello and warmest greetings.

I understand there are some things you would like help with. That is why there are those of us placed here to help assist you in these things.

I have practiced for 35 years and As a High Priestess, my service to you will be taken to the highest of levels of magic. Please know that in undertaking the tasks with perfect love and trust, you may feel free to speak your mind and heart as to what it is you are requesting of me.

I know there are many things so many of you need help with. "THE POWERS THAT BE" and I have helped a great many of people using my spells. Whether it be a love spell, or whatever you need to enhance your life.

We work together to personalize your spell. So in your emails to me be open and honest to what you want. I deal one on one with you via email to deal with all that I can to get all of the details that I need to ensure you are getting the strongest spell and fits in a powerful way for you.

Your help in the pocess is conveyed to you, remember the flow of the spell needs a road of least resistance.

I work with the aspects to the powers, the mystical timing, and during this process we will get to know one another and I will do everything in my power to help you out.

This is not a commercial site, or a type of witch organization. I have a Partner who helps me in the rituals and in the spells of "creation". These spells need 2 people for the power of flow and counter flow.

This is serious stuff, no kidding around, we work the spells and give you guidance to help the spells process. You will never receive an automated response. (unless I am away).

I will contact you as soon as I can. I am happy to answer your questions but please I deal only in spells and are not taking on students at this time.

People come to me because they need powerful spells with results. Please understand spells may manifest in the right timing. Some right away, as that is my focus to your spell, but there is an incubation time of 60 days that some spells process the flow.

I trust in the Spirits that assist in the process and they carry out the spell. Never to push them, which is why the 60 day incubation time.

If by chance the spell has not manifested. I will consult the Guides, and do another level of spell again.

Be a part of the magic. Blessed Be.

©2006 The Witching Hours. All Rights Reserved. No reproductions may be made of any text contained within these pages without the written permission. We reserve the rights to refusal of any services. No money refunds will be issues as we fulfilled our services in doing the spells. We do not guarantee results due to the karmic issues but will do our best to contain them for healing. We appreciate you respecting our work. Thank you. Blessed Be.