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Coming soon, an application to join an efed, some efed, anywhere out there who would be willing to have a rusty as hell handler who has almsot forgotten how to write. Have more up tommorrow night !!!! Handler Informaton

Name : Ryan

From : Canada

Time Spent Efedding : Well, I've been in and out of the game for around five years or so, I've never really handled in any feds PTC people would recognize, but its been fun. I'm looking for a place to have some fun and improve my writing, as I'm rusty as hell. Hoping to find somewhere with a good OOC atmosphere, and just have some fun.

What I can Offer Your Fed : Well, I'm not much of a match writer, but I'm always willing to help out in any other ways possible, whether it be recruiting new members, shilling the fed at PTC, or doing feedback threads and such. Basically I'll do anything possible to help make the fed a better place.

Character Information: Ring Name :