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Party Guide Crazy Quotes and Stories
I'm sure you've heard of this place. I am sure a few of you have even been here to party but what you haven't seen is what happens when you aren't here and what happens. These things some people might find offensive but my room mates and I find these things quite funny.

I must admit, I am not very good at this whole web page thing and this is my first time so I hope you all give me some feed back on what should or should not be included on this page. Hopefully I can update this everyday but who knows.

You all know where the place is located so I'm not gonna tell you here you know how to get a hold on one of us that lives here and we usually let you know when we are going to party.

Some of the best things to have for a party is MUSIC, BEER, GOOD FRIENDS, and a whole lot of craziness.