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Its Your Life Enjoy It
Have you ever stopped to think about how your own funeral will be carried out? Will your eulogy be one with great accolades attesting to the way you lived your life? Are you satisfied with the way you have lived your life thus far? Will you leave this world hating anyone? This short story is intended to open young eyes to the uncertainties in life. Use your time wisely as you will not pass this way again. Teenagers are our future.

Do you have a teenager or know of one going through some tough times right now? I urge you to order a copy of Teenagers Eulogy and encourage them to read it. It is a short novella (only 82 pages) that can easily be read in about an hour. Just suppose for one moment you are given an extra 5 minutes of your life back at the end of your own funeral to say farewell to your family and friends. What would you tell them? You only have 5 minutes so choose your words very carefully as they will be the last words you will ever utter on this earth. Marie was not sure which life she was in when she finished the eulogy for her best friend Betty. Was she seeing a ghost or was it just her imagination? She knew this wasn't a dream, but she also thought she might have crossed over into a paranormal world for one last visit with her dear friend. Order this book today.
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