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Yes, he does have one of the more inconsistent Russian accents we've ever heard and does scream often enough to be a Doctor Who companion. But what can we say? We're just suckers for the short, cute, and perpetually imperiled. Thus afflicted, we had little choice other than to create this page to celebrate our favorite Star Trek character.

The Nitpickers Guide to Chekov

Answering questions too inane for all but the most nerdishly obsessive.

  • Julia Ecklar One half of the "L.A. Graf" writing team talks about Chekov and upcoming projects

Fan Fiction

The very best from the pens of the obsessed, opportunities for you to exercise your creativity, and even an activity for the less patient and/or creatively challenged.




Images of our ensign in .jpeg format

On Walter Koenig

Links to Other Star Trek Sites

STAR TREK ® as well as related character names and terminology are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures Corp., A VIACOM company. No infringement intended.

Copyright © 1996 Teegar Taylor.

This page was last updated on April 10, 2006