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The Ted Zone

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we go to alot of shows and we get into places other people don't. we take alot of pictures and here they are. this is our photo album, these pictures are from shooter jennings shows. we love to share. we are the ted zone. fans of shooter jennings and the 357's, big fans of ted russell kamp. (shooter's bass player) we're also huge dead-heads and faithful members of the phil zone.(that's where we got the name, groovy huh.) anyway, i used to follow the dead now i do my best to see shooter jennings as much as possible. we are the ted zone. (kinda brings a tear to your eye.) the idea came to us one night after a shooter show in st. louis. we were kickin it with ted and we were REAL drunk. after awhile the conversation changed to the dead and the idea for the ted zone was born. if you find yourself at a shooter show go to the ted zone, you'll be happy you did. (oh yeah, bring a sign, e-mail me a pic, and i'll put you on this page. thanx, huck)
