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In this short course I have strengthened existing skills and forged new ones. The course has strengthened my knowledge of internet and webpage design, reminded me of how better to use Microsoft Office, the fundamentals of computer composition, and given me a fine introduction to programming.
First and foremost, I am most thankful for the lessons in web design and research that this course offered. I have always been interested in websites. One of my many dreams is to have a free site that posts comic books produced by myself and my friends. In addition members of my family are starting businesses and I would love to help create websites for them. The introduction this classed offered wasn’t terribly thorough, but it offered enough resources for me to start.
As I am a business major, Microsoft Office is one of the most important aspects of computer applications for me to learn. While I already had a fair amount of skill in Word, Power Point, and Publisher; I did need help with Excel and Access.  While this was a good introduction, I do wish it had gone more in depth. I am particularly disappointed that this class did not at all go into Microsoft Access, as it is the only application in which I truly need study. Even so, a firmer knowledge of Excel should help me grasp Access. Both will be very useful for my church and any small businesses I may decide to start. For example, my synagogue hosts a large feast to which they charge admission. This year there is a large need for someone who has a working knowledge of Excel. The Excel spreadsheets are used to keep track of all the members, newcomers, and others in attendance. Access may be better however. It would allow me to create an entire database instead of simple spreadsheets. A database may be reusable for several events after the feast of Passover.
One of the more fundamental things this class has taught me is the workings of a computer’s hardware. Again, I had some small knowledge of this subject already, but this class went far more in-depth. For example I have built for myself and my family several home computers. While it may seem like simple puzzle work to some, it is actually quite difficult. For instance there are a plethora of performance issues to consider. Speed, multimedia, programming, games; all have different purposes and requirements. What is somewhat funny is that the computer I built for myself has actually broken down for the time of this course. But thanks to the lessons of hardware offered in this class I have isolated the problem in the BIOS chip. I have already sent for the replacement. Other than that, I have better learned how to research for the other computers that I plan to build. This is largely thanks to the different search sites I found on Google.
Though I have far from mastered it, the programming lessons given were helpful. I do plan to make my own sprite based game in the near future, but I still have a ways to go before I can do that. Probably more useful though is the html programming tutorial. This will be very helpful to my business and hobbies in the future. 
This is merely a summary. There have been many lessons learned with this class, and I am grateful for them.
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