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hey, hey people and welcome to my blog, sweet reject. like it? heehee, i do.
If you are wondering i am the same person who did indeed shut down CBH.
I was planning on opening this blog up on the 1st of january, along with my graphics site:Innocent facade and my ccs site:sweet melody but i wanted to enter a contest and it said i required a site even if it was a blog so i opened my blog but anyway enjoy your stay!XD


nicknames: cabbage head, ying fa, ching chong
location:somewhere in the UK
languages:english, french, welsh, spanish, japanese
hobbies:reading, writing, drawing, webdesigning, learning new cultures
fav. food:chocolate, and chinese stir fry
fav. anime:inuyasha,cardcaptor sakura and chobits( chi is so cute!)
dislikes:bullies, alcholics, shop lifters, spamers, backstabbers and people who pretend to be your best friend then totally blank you!
personality:shy, loyal, chatty and loves to make friends and meet new people on webdesigning but dosen't go on chat rooms.
status:single of course, men who needs them? i don't LOL

contests joined


Saturday 21st october

bored, bored bored! not, just made this layout in less than an hour, i am impressed with my self, i am a very modest persona t times but just this once i am going to say out it. i am proud of myself, doing all of this in under an hour. mum and james have gone shopping and i am listening for the washing machine to stop, so i can peg it all out. By this time i bet ya all thinking dad is lazy is he not! well it is too bad because my dad left when i was 8 and now lives in new zealand with his new wife, i ahte him, he is and alcholic **** that done things you could never imagine. anyway i have to teach my mum after how to use microsoft exel and word for a job interview on tuesday for BT. haa don't you jusy love the weekend. slept in late and apparently last night i woke up, went downstirs and mum needed some stuff fromtesco's and i went with her but i don't remember! whaaaaaaaa. no fair any way see you peeps soon!
