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About my daughter
Friday, 22 September 2006
She's growing up.....
Topic: Memories
The other day my husband and I were out taking turns mowing the lawn and while Aaron was playing with her she stood up on her own for 1/2 a minute. I can't believe how fast she's growing and how quickly... Boy do I miss the early months when she was just learning and she still is but in a different way... tears

Posted by planet/susan1 at 3:01 PM EDT
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Thursday, 14 September 2006
September 14, 2004
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Past, Present, Future- Rob Zombie
Topic: The past yr
My daughter is now 11 months old and it's been one hell of a journey. In a good way see I started this blog just for her within 4 months she was eating baby cereal which eventually led to baby food and now solids. I was so scared that I wasn't doing anything right but from what I hear it's normal for first time mothers. Last month she started using a sippy cup and bottles are for nap. Now she is picky about what and when she eats so sometimes I feel overwhelmed if she skips a meal. She is now crawling which she has been trying to master for three months and creeps around the furniture in our house. She has grown up so fast and I kinda miss those days when she did absolutely nothing but slept ate and shit!! On the serious side though you couldn't ask for a happier healthier child. Elizabeth will be turning one next month and seeing the docters again.We have been lucky that she hasn't gotten sick though since she's been born. She has proven to be somewhat high strung and very rugged for her age falls don't faze her unless there from really high places!! Which she only had one of those!! Long story!! She also says momma, dadda, I got it, yeah, na and ba. Pretty long list but The I got it sounds like that maybe it's not what she's saying but it sure sounds like it!!

See I have learned that you cant put too much information on these websites because there are messed up people so let's leave it at that. And forgive me but I don't need any more drama then I already have.
She's a great kid and I can not emphasize on that enough but she's growing up so fast.....

Posted by planet/susan1 at 10:09 PM EDT
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