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'Northwind' is the 6th CD of the Swedish band FALCONER and just a short year after the release of their 5th album, but this time everything seems to sound better than ever, so here's a little interview with this Folk-Metalband...

NORTHWIND is a return to the Folk Metal of the first two records, that is the main reason Mathias Blad came back in the band. How did it all work out with the departure of Kristoffer Göbel and the return of Mathias? And how were their reactions?

On the last album we tried to adapt to Kristoffer’s voice and that became a result I didn’t feel that intimate or personally entwined to. As I started writing for the new album which were in the true and only style for us I got Mathias’ voice in my head since I knew he did that stuff like no one else. The only way to make the material fair was to get him back otherwise it wouldn’t reach 100%. Mathias was happy and hungy to come back. Kristoffer wasn’t as happy in the beginning but he settles after some weeks and we have actually been out having some beers so everything is fine by now.

Can you tell me something about the creating process of the songs. Where did you get the inspiration from, are all the members involved in the writing process, do you create songs on the guitar etcetera?

In the usual manner I did 95% of the material. I think Jimmy will contribute with more riffs in the future since he’s started doing folk riffs. Usually I sit at home humming and playing and when I have ideas they are usually chords and melody which I record at my PC and put together to songs and work on them. Then I bring the song to the other guys and they interpret sometimes the song in their way.

The songs were already written the time Mathias recorded the vocals, did the songs changed because of him?

Most of the songs were already written as he accepted to return. The only thing we changed with the songs were that we tuned down the guitars from E to C#. Some vocal lines were transposes down an octave.

Are there any (personal)stories behind the lyrics?

No, not really.

On the first edition there are four Swedish traditional songs. Tell me more about the history of these songs and why did you choose them?

Traditional songs have been somewhat a trademark of Falconer since the beginning even though we haven’t done a lot of those. This time we had the chance to give away some extra candy. We had all material written and didn’t want to rush through 4 new ones as bonuses so we chose these ones. 3 of them are trad. Swedish songs where of 2 are metalized and one is kept in a very traditional way. Soft and mellow. Then we have one Icelandic song which have followed me from my “Viking era” in Mithotyn. It was the title track in a Viking movie that took place in Iceland during the 9:th century. The lyric is still in Swedish though. There is something special to do trad. songs although they are not too far away from our own sound.

Mathias doesn’t have a Metal background, he didn’t want to do a tour with the band. Is his attitude towards touring and Metal in general changed?

The thing is that he didn’t have time to tour. His main occupation is musicals and that’s what gives him bread on the table and he can’t really take vacation in the middle of a production which I fully understand. So there’s not gonna be any tours and I knew that before I asked him to come back. Like we did many with Kriss? Mathias has a schedule that don’t allow him to be away whenever a tour shows its face. After having been able to play much live for a few years I now know that I prefer superb albums and less live instead of the other way around. Live for us will be summer festivals and occasional single shows.

If we could travel into the future 40 or 50 years from now and I would ask you what have you done with your life, what are you hoping you can answer?

I hope that I have my own studio and makes a living out of music. I live in my own house with my wife and 2 children.

Finally, I have some short personal questions

First bought LP: Motley Crue – Shout at the devil

First gig: Paradise Lost 1991

First music experience: Flute in 3:rd grade

Favorite singer: Ronnie James Dio

Favorite guitar player: Jimmy Hedlund

Favorite food: Apple pie

Favorite drink:Gin and tonic

Favorite country: Scotland

Favorite sport:Ice Hockey

Best place to play a gig:Germany

Music full time job:Yes please, I hate early mornings

Most important person in your life:Aside from myself, my wife

Anything to add for our readers: Buy or die!

Thanks for the interview.