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     Welcome to Karie’s World of Dreams, the place where the storyteller known as KarieAuthoress has stored her works of fiction. This library is an ongoing archive of fan based fiction for two television series. NCIS and The Sentinel. Karie is keeping her work here so that others might read and enjoy them to their heart’s content. There are only a few rules that must be obeyed.
  1. All of Karie’s work is non-profit. She writes to share her dreams, and makes no money off of the endeavor. There for, she asks that you do not take her work and place it in some other form such as an E-zine or E-book to be sold.
  2. Plagiarism is not tolerated. Karie’s dreams are her own and she wishes for them to remain so. If she finds instances of plagiarism of her work, she will destroy you. *Ha! Not really, but please please PLEASE, don’t copy my work and make it your own!*
  3. Comments or feedback are not expected. But that doesn’t stop the storyteller from accepting graciously the praise that is sent her way.
  4. All original characters are the sole property of KarieAuthoress and are to be treated with kindness. They may not have been in the original shows, but they are beloved of the Authoress and wish to remain in service for many years to come.
     **One last note about the ratings on these stories. NCIS stories are predominantly General or Het in nature. They will be rated accordingly. The Sentinel stories are predominantly General or Slash. They will be rated accordingly. There will be separate pages for the higher rated stories. It is strongly urged that you do not go to these pages if you are under the age of 18. If this becomes a problem, there will be a password lock system set up. I will not be shut down because a child wandered into the wrong area without permission.**
     Thank you and welcome to my mind.