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Umbral visage: *She has little on her but loin cloths, her nails take an almost claw like form and her insisors elongate a little more showing a yellow tint to them. She seems to shift as she moves like she is about to blink out of existance. Her growls are more pronounced and her hair has tufts of flame in them as well as her eyes. blood constantly on her fingers mouth and feet. Despite her primal outlook her hair which is elongated also does take on a well groomed tone.*
When she reached detroit she was taken off the streets immediately by a Vampire, Clarriker. She never really liked Vampires because of what she protected and never trusted them. Soon enough she found herself wandering and ended up in Ferndale. There she found within the Smithy, Someone who wanted to make his own Clinic to heal people. Starshia loved to help people out and there she forged the deal with the Hsien to help him make his clinic.
She moved out of the theater where she stayed at with Clarriker soon afterwards. And though She seemed to be a Vampire magnet. Between Angela wanting to be near her, And Liam showing her his true self then trying to date her, She tended to avoid them like the plague. She even knew of this Eastern Vampire whom she did not trust at all he still had teeth afterall and her Hsien friends did not trust him either. Still she tried to remain calm and he offered to teach her a little of his kind with no strings attached. So she sat and listened still ready for a fight.
He told her of the Kindred of the East and all the paths possible, some of them she didn't get the reason why they followed that path but after explaining from Sho she understood the reason for the paths, even if these demon people were from hell. Little did she know that she would soon become a puppet to them...
She stayed for a long while among the Hsien, And during her time there, she encountered many injured supernaturals, and even some Mage "buddies" decided to visit her clinic. She didn't kick them out right away as long as they weren't Nephandic or Technocratic. Soon enough though she met her first mage in detroit, whom was kind enough to steal her ring for a while and tick her off, she found out that the technocracy was stealing tradition mages and converting them to spies killing and making them insane in the process.
She spent many hours working with the other Mages including a very annoying Euthanos whom she very much wanted to kill due to his arrogant attitude. Only Sam seemed to cool her Anger, and she stayed away from the mages after Sebastian showed up on a regular basis, more than once she was about to snap and rip his body apart in her anger.
Burned, she finally just settled down and started to heal again. The mage captured by the Techies was eventually healed by herself and Samuel. And between the occasional Bakemono and uproar in the Eastern Shifter courts, things were nice. She settled down with Dao practially snagging him up by force before he gave in, The poor monk would have an insane girlfriend after that. She did protect her loved children Hsien after that. Mika fell into trouble with Yomi more than once and Starshia actually went on a rescue mission stopping ritualistic sacrifices on the poor child and dealing with it's supernatural spiritual growth.
Then all hell broke loose she found a Mage with a "fake" Avatar who was a maurader, whom she confronted on the streets. He ended up leaving but he chose her as his next target.
She was kidnapped by these creatures that by all rights didn't exist which annoyed her to no end. She was put to sleep and she tried to remain thick skinned so they wouldn't hurt her. She was stolen away into another realm.
She awakened on a cot in a old Fashioned Greek House. She looked around and tried to ascertain where she was and she was "nowhere" Then the maurader with the fake avatar came in to announce that she was to become his "soul food" Destroying her life and Avatar in the process. She tried to weasle out of it through negotiation. Saving her magic because the Maurader stated if she used it her life was forfeit right now. She asked for a last request. She wanted to see Dao.
They allowed that and brought her to the main temple room ready for her sacrifice. She walked there willingly, and found Dao there and instead of pulling on his braid he was wriggling his hands. She became suspicious Dao Always pulled on his braid. Then "Dao" Proceeded to tell her that she had to give up that she was worthless, and that just pissed her off. Dao would never say that. And since the maurader was gone she started to find the exit and ran for it.
The creatures in the realm started to attack her. She fended them off increasing her physicals as much as she could before she got to the exit to the realm. A great bane meeting her there and trying to prevent her from leaving. She soon found the Mauarder there as well. Trying to destroy him she managed only to mangle him before she put the spirit to sleep and broke out of the stones that moved up around her and she ran out the exit before the maurader could chase after.
She spoke with this angelic demon man named Liam, she wasn't really christian so she just thought it another denizen who thought he was demon because she knew of the demons that the nephandi worshiped. While amongst him she found out he captured bad demons for a living just like the Kindred of the East. So she was fine with him, not fine with his minion under his control that gave her the headache.
She eventually went back with Liam to help destroy that monster who came to take her soul. In return she looked the other way to allow a Demon to steal his for himself.
It was not too far after that that Starshia found out about an Earthbound named Capricorn that was abducting women in order to make an infernal army for herself. She decided to help some men get in between them and in the end was abducted herself for not being strong enough magically to resist. She was taken to their hold underneath the water, and though she barely hid her charge she was told that her charge wasn't what they wanted they wanted her to join them.
She played along just in order to get the layout there. Figuring if she could get the layout she would be able to come back with reinforcements. She moved back and forth with them listening before they took her to the temple and ordered her to bow before the statue and proclaim her aliegance. She then started to do her magic weaving and as the other daughters of Capricorn were drawing their weapons she drew out a Bane from the umbra who started to smash the daughters within the room. Then she went through the umbra and moved as quickly as she could towards the surface to get away.
She ended up on the beach out of her own will to survive, before Dao came to rescue her with Jeka and the others, it took a while for her to heal properly but she let others know of her adventures down there.
She went with Liam then to taking one of his swords and manually slaying all that she could with the sword, and also healing the injured when she could to make sure they would get through to kill the Capricorn.
There was only so much that she could do before she was taken again. This time, she discovered that there was a twin to a mortal a Succubi, and she was giving birth, though the child was destined to be a son of a Yama king, A demon King of the east. She went to stop it even though it was a hospital she had to go to and she hated the hospitals because of the techies.
When she tried to stop those there from taking the child, she ended up on the ground in seizures before her mind was gone.
Her mind ended up spending two years in a Yama King's realm Mikobashi's realm, he slowly wittled her stubborn mind down giving her many derangments, including Nimphomania, Parinoia, Sadism, Masochism, and a fear of technology.
Right after her mind was set free in the real world it took two days. She awakened to a demon torturing her and putting it's mark on her.
For the first time the Euthanos who stole her ring when he first met her. Samuel Bates found her in the alley the way she was, he picked her up and removed the spiritual mark from her carting her to the clinic to heal, little did he know she was insane.
She then avoided the clinic and took to the streets due to her parinoia and fear of technology rambling and hurting others as well as finding pleasure for herself. Soon enough she fell into Quiet when her Avatar cracked, showing lava veins.
Sam came to check on her and found her in Quiet and over the next few days he tried to heal her taking away her mental derangements then trying to heal her Avatar's derangements. He wasn't able to heal the Avatar's derangements. So the Avatar's Deranged state soon lead to her reversing the work he did on her.
He couldn't pin her down to keep her sane so in order to cure her Quiet he started to shoot her so in her own world she would have to heal in front of people and burn off her paradox.
She actually ended up putting Sam to sleep thinking he was a Ghoul in her new hallucinations of a post apocalyptic world where Set took over and everyone alive was actually a slave to the followers of Set.
She then forced his Body to mate with her in order to have children in the new world that weren't slaves to Set so that the could take back the world and balance it again.
Samuel Finally burned all of her Paradox off with a lucky shot and she fell out of quiet long enough for him to bind her derangements and heal her mind completely.
It was then she discovered that she was pregnant with his children. She thought Dao would kick her out but he didn't and Sam's Fiance at the time nearly killed Sam and Starshia for the mistake. She apologized profusely and Sam managed to calm Justice down enough for their relationship to heal, Star went back to carrying the child, and Sam went back to his hunting and relationship with Justice.
The next thing that happened no one could guess. Suddenly Starshia vannished at seven months. She was gone, no one heard from her and she didn't leave a note either.
A Duplicate Clinic appeared in LA with Starshia's signiature on it. While her life rewound and she lost her children within the storm she was taken in. She doesn't know where they went.
She gained a new life and forgot the old, Living day to day in the forest by herself and using her magic instinctually, she killed great beasts and started to hate humans as she went. When she appearred again it was in Los Angeles. Much to Samuel's dismay she acted insane again, when she jumped from place to place like a wild beast, unkempt and ran from speaking with humans. Eating dogs and cats for food.
He sought starshia out and saw that in fact she wasn't insane in mind, it was from a long term way of how she was raised in the wyld storm. Though Dao when Dao Found starshia lounging around in her old Comfortable sanctum he increased her intelligence and her thought processes. She was able to see that her old life and flashbacks would help her more that the Wild part of herself though. In trying to deny the Wild part of herself she could do neither. Her senses were hieghtened now, and she gained an instinct which she never wanted to give up.
Soon she figured out in trying to hide her instinct that she shouldn't have, she would get angry pent up and use her ability to make her room as much like a jungle as she could, and though people tried to help her. To help her shape her own mind she never wanted to give the instinct up.
Sam tried to teach her she didn't have to by taking her out hunting and making sure none saw her, she found a bear that day and took much meat and fur home to make clothing and jerky out of, for once since she got there she was content and relaxed.
She stayed amongst the Hsien for a while, Finding out that Dao did not wish to help her with her instinctual nature she and he grew apart slowly She finally just went beserk and in hearing some of what Dao said tried to hurt those in the clinic. This was her last straw and she left.
She went up to Angeles National Forest hunt again This time on her own and this time she was found by Jeka's father show tried to pollute her mind to his ends again, and he did, he twisted her mind bringing back the derangements carefully hidden away and healed by Samuel's Magics, and then he sent her to capture or kill Jeka, and convince his friends that he was dangerous.
She went back down after that too many things going through her head she sought revenge, and through that she ended up being a serial murderer through Magic and she made men do what most men want to to her. She was in bed with Sam again this time under Justice's face, and she tortured him by making her "Break up" again with him.
He found out about Starshia and her sickness again and went all over the place to heal her again, this time Starshia was lucky that she was insane or Sam would have killed her for what she did with justice's face.
During her time while insane she met a werewolf by the name of Erol, she and he had some fun here and there, and she actually fell for him very quickly though he didn't fall for her one bit, she mistreated one of the Garou's kinfolk and they put out a hunt and kill on her. She apologized profusely after she made a little more progress on making her sane. The Garou wouldn't take it and she spent a month holding shield against the spirit world.
Sam managed to bring Starshia to sense again after he showed her through Entropy what was done to her. She stopped attacking others after that and ran into the umbra meaning to track Jeka's Father down and kill him with all her pent up hatred.
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