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Spirit Cherokee's Columns and Poetry
Sunday, 16 July 2006
Cherokee Tribe
Cherokee Tribe
by Spirit Cherokee on Jul 12 (Contest-Poem) (edit) (bookmark) (print) (next)
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In Category: Hope, Dark, Love. 28 views this week.
This was an entry for the contest (remove from contest)
Fields of Barley (CONTEST) [Contest] by Red Red Rose
Posted 4 days ago. Categories: Nature, Society, Spiritual.
400 points. Ending on Jul 24 (Open)

Honor to those of American Indian Descent!
(next in contest)

The Cherokee Nation it
is my tribe
once so grand now
we all cry.

The trail of tears it
was our fate
because of white man
all did they take.

But the Cherokee Nation
we are strong
We will rise again
One nation lives long.

We Cherokee will fight
and make our stand
to recover our heritage
and take back our land!

Comment? All rights reserved, © Tammy Knott. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden. Send author an IM.

Posted by planet/spirit_cherokee at 1:54 AM EDT
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Cherokee Trail of Tears
The Cherokee people are a subordinate group who experienced colonialism, meaning the European colonial settlers dominated over the Native Americans taking what resources they could from them. This ultimately resulted in expulsion where the colonist forced the Cherokee along with other Native Americans from their native lands and put them on reservations. The most famous account of this was the Cherokee’s Trail of Tears that took place from 1838-1839 where according to the Cherokee Trail of Tears time line “July 1838 Over 13,000 Cherokees imprisoned in military stockades awaiting break in drought. Approximately 1500 die in confinement.” began the march. The remaining Cherokee were then forced to march from their native lands in the South East to reservations in the West. Below is a journal entry from one of the survivors of the Cherokee tribe from North Carolina while on the march to the west. The quotation at the beginning is a quote from an actual survivor. The rest is fictional but based in fact source noted below.

(Recollections of a survivor)"Long time we travel on way to new land. People feel bad when they leave Old Nation. Women cry and make sad wails, Children cry and many men cry...but they say nothing and just put heads down and keep on go towards West. Many days pass and people die very much." My father he get sick and die, then my mother she die and five brothers. All die, each day one die. There no game to hunt and feed people. Men, women go hungry. Give what food could find to children. Heavy rains and rivers full of ice make way hard to travel. Each morning we are told how far we must walk and which way to go. Each night we make camp and try to find what we can to eat. Hunters go out and bring back what they can. White man give us corn to make bread. Long last we arrive in new land my people once many now so few. Hard to go on when lost family. It will take long time to rebuild New Nation. New Chief of people made. Chief John Ross, he name land Oklahoma. This is where we will live now


The Cherokee Trail of Tears Time line 1838-1839, Rose Society Net Retrieved June, 7

2006 from

Recollections of a survivor, The Cherokee Trail of Tears, Rose Society Net Retrieved

June, 7 2006 from

Comment? All rights reserved, © Spirit Cherokee. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden. Send author an IM.

Posted by planet/spirit_cherokee at 1:53 AM EDT
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Trust Reform for Native American Lands
by Tammy Knott on Jul 14 (Column)

A current issue between Native Americans and the federal government that I find key is the Trust Reform Act. Legislation connected with the Trust Reform as described in the text of United States Senator of South Dakota, Tim Johnson News release is entitled “The McCain-Daschle-Johnson Trust Reform bill, or American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform Act Amendments Act of 2003.”

The Trust Reform issue is one that deals with lands that were held in trust by the United States on behalf of Native Americans. According to National Congress of American Indians website; they were asked to set for principles for the federal government to draft legislation for this issue. The issue is that the US government has not been managing the trust properly and legislation had to be drafted to set forth principles and guidelines to regulate effectiveness of the US government. According to United States Senator of South Dakota, Tim Johnson News release the legislation is a set of: “…guidelines and regulations meant to restore
accountability and efficiency to trust management.” The need for this legislation is so that Tribal members can have more say so in dealings with their land and to make sure that the US holds to what they were intended to do. This also is to incorporate new rulings and laws that had been passed since the Trust was initiated. (United States Senator of South Dakota, Tim Johnson News release 2003)

Fischer, J., Daschle, Johnson Introduce New Indian

Trust Reform Legislation., United States

Senator of South Dakota, Tim Johnson News

release. July 25, 2003 Retrieved July 14, 2006



Trust Reform and Cobell Settlement Workgroup

Principles for Legislation., National Congress

of American Indians. 2001-2006, Retrieved July

14, 2006 from


All rights reserved, © Tammy Knott. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden.

Posted by planet/spirit_cherokee at 1:52 AM EDT
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