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An introduction to the agency and our inspirationWhat we doThe current and previous clients that we have servedExamples of our advertising workSend us a message regarding your advertising needs


     What we do
     We understand that although small and personal businesses need to promote their products or services in order to gain new customers and clients and to retain existing ones, most owners don't have the time, ability, or means to advertise. Many get by only through word of mouth.

     It doesn't have to be this way.

     Our aim is to simplify the marketing of your products or services by using our own resources to:

  1. Design, develop, and produce advertising that is low-cost, high-volume, and most importantly, effective, in order to reach more potential customers.
  2. Offer consultation services in order to help you understand how you can better promote the awareness of your business and to plan and implement strategies that will achieve that goal.
  3. Work with you to develop a unique and effective brand image for your business.

     How we do it
     First we will meet with our client and discuss their products and/or services with them. Our goal at this point is to determine the general state of their business, its promotional needs, and any opportunities to expand the awareness of the business among local consumers.
     This process involves going over and filling out a Consultation Handout form with the client.
Click the link below to download the handout as a .PDF file.


     Next, our goal is to pin-point the target market of the business' products, and develop strategic plans regarding how best to reach that group, for the lowest cost. Our aim is not immediate, widespread change, but slow improvement and growth by focusing on the consumers with the highest potential: those of the target group, who are living in the local area.

     We will also focus on the business' brand image--that is, how our client wishes their business and its products or services to be portrayed and perceived by potential consumers. The chosen brand image will greatly affect the words, slogans, and images used in the advertising campaigns.

     What methods we use
     Depending on the needs and means of the client, advertising campaigns may consist of:

  1. Direct Marketing: The creation of effective flyers (which may include promotional discounts/coupons) and their strategic distribution in the areas around the business and the areas with members of the target group.
         Click here for more information about direct marketing.

  3. Websites: The creation of websites for the business, in order to promote its products and services and allow customers to explore them visually.
         Click here for more information about business websites.

  5. Media Placements: The creation of effective ads to place in local media outlets, such as newspapers.
         Click here for more information about advertising through the media.

  7. Viral Campaigns: This type of marketing utilizes the most popular social networks on the internet, such as Facebook and YouTube, to quickly spread awareness of a new brand, product, or service, when users repeatedly pass on the marketing message to their friends.
         Click here for more information about viral marketing campaigns.

     Our focus
     We concentrate on developing advertising for small and personal businesses because we believe that they will benefit the most from local, strategic ad campaigns and promotions.

     Why you should choose us
     We don't believe in charging our clients excessive fees. We do this for the experience and to gain important skills and knowledge, with the goal of pursuing future careers in the industry.

Advertising. Made Easy.

     ARE YOU...
  • ...too busy running your small business or sole proprietorship to spend time on the marketing of your products or services?
  • need of advice concerning how to reach more potential customers and increase the awareness of your business?
  • ...confused about how to develop a unique brand that will attract the interest of consumers and improve your business' perception?
Please contact us about your advertising needs today!

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FFTB, 2007