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Grading Criteria - Evaluation

The Rubric below explains the grading criteria:

You will be evaluated on your "Collaborative" Work Skills in pairs. The categories are listed along with a description of point values to be assigned.

4 points = Routinely generated useful ideas both in group and classroom discussion. Group had excellent dynamics and contributed a log of effort with excellent results!
3 points = Usually generated useful ideas both in group and classroom discussion. A strong group which worked hard!
2 points = Some useful ideas were generated in the group and classroom discussion. A satisfactory group which performed project as required.
1 point = There was difficulty generating ideas; group was not able to fully complete the task.

Quality of Work
4 points = Excellent, work was of highest quality!
3 points = Very Good, work was well done!
2 points = Satisfactory work, occasionally needed to be checked or redone.
1 point = Unsatisfactory work, needed to be checked, redone and/or was incomplete.

Focus on the Task
4 points = Consistently stayed on task.
3 points = Focused on task; group supported each other.
2 points = Sometimes focused on task; group members needed to refocus.
1 point = Rarely focused on task; group did not "work together".

Problem Solving
4 points = Mystery Planet Identified! Along with 11-13 correct answers to research questions.
3 points = Mystery Planet Identified! Along with 8-10 correct answers to research questions.
2 points = Mystery Planet Identified! Along with 5-7 correct answers to research questions.
1 point = Mystery Planet not Identified and/or less than 5 correct answers to research questions.

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