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To those of you that come to this home page....those that know me well, know that I am honest and unpretentious. I try to live life to the fullest, for you never know when that life will be called from you. With this thought, I am creating my "home" to honor a request from a special friend who died in April, 1999. I had asked Rich to create a homepage together with me, knowing that he loved stopping into various places on the net. Unfortunately, circumstances didn't lead in that direction. He became very ill and was unable to do this labor of love that we both so much wanted. I promised him that I would create the page myself and dedicate it to him. A page in which people would like to drop in and stay a find solace in their troubles, to find peace in their hearts, and rest for their souls. And so Coop, I dedicate this page to you. May you always live on in the hearts of those who knew and loved you.....I know somehow, you are looking down from your "Promised Mansion" and smiling on all who come here, welcoming them with your open arms and your warmed heart.

I would also like to dedicate this site to my cousin, Steph, who is still battling breast cancer.  She has been courageous in this battle she is waging. I only pray that she will keep going long enough to finally beat this monster that is taking over her body.  It has spread and metastasized into her bones now. Please keep her in your prayers.

God Bless you my dear friend ......

On a footnote.. to whomever is reading this, when friends and family are stricken with cancer, please show compassion and don't push away from them as if the disease was contagious.  Cancer is NOT contagious and the victim needs your compassion and understanding more than you will every realize to help them battle their illness.  A kind word or a prayer costs nothing but a few minutes of your time, but may be very comforting to those who feel alone.

An open letter from a friend.....

Hey Soft,

   It's me, *********. I want you to know your site touched my heart. You need to know why, last July I found a lump in my right breast. I thought not knowing would be better than knowing. But I decided to have it checked out. On July 30th I heard the words nobody wants to hear,  it's cancer. Those words are deafening, you hear nothing else around you. With reality setting in, we had to make a lot of decisions.  I went through it all, Chemo and Radiation. But with my great husband, family, friends and lots of prayer, I have made it through. Your site is a great gift to your friend. I hope everybody that visit it appreciates it like I do. Good luck in the future.
                                               In Appreciation
                                               Your Old Friend
 P.S. It was nice seeing you the other day, hope we see each other again.

Thank you "R"...


Chemo Treatment Support
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Please take this dove and post it on your site.

To show support for ~Cancer Victims~ and their families.


God looked around His garden
And He found an empty place.
He then looked down upon
This earth and saw your tired face.

He put His arms around you
And lifted you to rest.
God's garden must be beautiful,
He always takes the best.

He knew that you were in pain.
He knew that you would never
Get well on earth again.
So He closed your weary eyelids

And whispered, "Peace Be Thine."
He then took you up to Heaven with
Hands gentle and so kind.
It broke our hearts to lose you,

But you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you
The day God called you Home.

~~Always Follow Your Dreams ~ ~ 

Do not take anything as being forever, because forever is only as long as today.

Know that the people who are the richest are not those who have the most, but those who need the least.

That we are at our strongest when life is at its worst, and at our weakest when life no longer offers a challenge.

That it is wiser not to expect, but to hope, for in expecting you ask for disappointment, whereas in hoping you invite surprise. 

That unhappiness doesn't come from not having something you want, but from the lack of something inside that you need.

That there are things to hold and things to let go, and letting go doesn't mean you lose, but that you acquire that which has been waiting around the corner.

Most of all...

remember to use your dreams as a way of knowing yourself better,

and as an inspiration to reach for your star.

Don't ever give up your dreams ....

and never leave them behind 

Find them: make them yours,

and all through your life, cherish them,

and never let them go.

- Elisa Costanza

"To have striven, to have made an effort, to have been
     true to certain ideals -- this alone is worth the struggle. We are
     here to add what we can to, not to get what we can from, life."
     Sir William Osler, 1849-1919
     Canadian Physician, Medical Historian

A person who possesses true peace

is not one whose life is without

problems and turmoil but is rather

a person who has peace in spite of it.



  My Promised Mansion

I have seen the "Promised Mansions" that glisten in the sun...with steeples straight and narrow...all towers seem as one...with walls of brilliant marble and ceilings trimmed in gold...floors so finely covered in tapestries of old...

Each mansion is exquisitely furnished to suit each honored guest...decor with polish...each much finer than the next...

I found my well worn bible...placed beside my favorite chair...knowingly I soft Angel placed it there.

I heard my Angel whisper as sweet music soothed my fears..."Welcome home my dearest friend..." her gentle fingers wiped my tears.

I quickly glanced around longer would my spirit roam...Peace would be my heart's companion...alas I have finally found home...

Rich Cooper  


My Poetry Section

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