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IIS Server  and  FrontPage Server Extensions Tutorial: 


       Enabling ASP:


       1.Click Start -> Administrative Tools -> IIS Manager.

       2.Or Go to Control panel, enter the Administrative Tools 

       3.Double-click IIS manager.

       4.Click Web Service Extensions tab.

       5.Click Active Server Pages, then press the Allow button.

Setting Host Headers in IIS 6.0


       1.Start -> Administrative Tools -> IIS Manager

       2.Expand your computer name

       3.Click Web Sites, right click in the right side, put your mouse over New and select Web Site.

       4.Click Next in the dialog, then put in a description.

       5.Go to the last text box and put the new Host Header to be.

       6.Path of new site and make Allow anonymous access checkbox checked.

       7.For security, if you not using ASP, then uncheck Run scripts checkbox. 

       8. Click Finish in the next dialog box.

       9.Go back to where we were before. 

       10.Click on Web Sites and right click the website and select Properties.

       11.In that dialog click the Advanced button

       12.Now click Add

       13.Put TCP port 80 (port 80 is the default website port) and your new header below it

Backing up your IIS 6.0 Metabase


        1.Clicking Start -> Administrative Tools -> IIS Manager

        2.Right click your computer name, choose All tasks and click Backup/Restore Configuration.

        3.Click Create Backup

        4.Choose name anything, not including dots (.)Use password to protect the back up.

        5.Click restore to restore the backup you just made.

Setting up and using FrontPage Server Extensions

Installing FrontPage Server Extensions

       1.Click Start->Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs.

       2.Click Add/Remove Windows Components.

       3.Click Application Server and Details.

       4.Click on IIS and then Details.

       5.Checkmark next to FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions.

       6.Click OK twice, and then next on the original window.

       7.During the install you will ask for the Windows installations CD.

       8.Click finish.

       9.Go FPSE Administration site

       10.Click Start -> Administrative Tools -> Microsoft SharePoint Administrator


Setting the default (global) settings in FPSE


       1.Click Start -> Administrative Tools -> Microsoft SharePoint Administrator.

       2.On the administration site, click Set list of available rights.

       3.Present is the list of available rights.  Click default Select all option to give you maximum control

       4.Head back to the main website now and click Set installation defaults. 

       5.Next set your defaults like mail server and from/reply-to addresses. 

       6.You may also want to "Allow authors to upload executables.


Extending a website for use with FPSE


      1.Start -> Administrative Tools -> IIS Manager.

      2.Expand the Computer Name and the "Web Sites" folder then right click on the website you want to extend,

        choose All tasks and click Configure Server Extensions 2002.

      3.Continue on to Setting it up.

      4.Start -> Administrative Tools -> Microsoft SharePoint Administrator.

      5.Right-hand column next to the website you want to extend, click the Extend link.

      6.Click the Submit button after optionally specifying an alternate Administrator for the site.


Adding an FPSE user to a website


      1.Start -> Administrative Tools -> Microsoft SharePoint Administrator

      2.Click the name of administration for that site.  

      3.Click name of Website.

      4.Click on the Administration link to the right of the website, you'll be able to modify settings like 

      the   SMTP server for that site.

      6.Add a role, which is a short name for set of permissions.  A FrontPage Server Extension role serves the

      same purpose as a group does on Windows.  Click Manage Roles.

      7.Click the name of a role will allow you to modify it, click the Add a role link.

      8.Use the Select All checkbox under Rights, and click Create role to make the the new role.

      9.Back to the "Manage Roles" page.  Click Administration and then cick Manage users.

      10.Click an existing user in the Name column will allow us to modify their role membership. 

      11.Add a User create a new user, and select the Example Admin role under the User Role heading, click Add

      User will finalize the addition.