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Disclaimer: Right. Xander and Spike and the rest of the bunch are not mine, they belong to whoever they belong to, Joss Whedon and the whole lot...

No harm intended, no money made, don't sue me...

Please note that this story is not finished!



Part One

Xander was sitting on the floor of the small white room, his arms wrapped tightly around his knees. He was dressed in a flimsy white nightshirt and boxers. His eyes were closed and he was humming the theme tune of Passions.

He had most definitely been spending too much time with Spike recently.

"Please, let this be a dream. Wakey, wakey, Xander!"

Very slowly, he opened his eyes again.

Nope, everything still there.

The white tiles, the glass wall in front of him, no door, nothing but tiles and glass...

He wondered how much time had passed. He was still feeling kind of dizzy. And he was hungry. He groaned and shifted slightly on the hard floor, trying to find a more comfortable position.

"Let me out, let me out," he murmured over and over again.

He stopped when he heard footsteps approaching. A woman in a white lab coat walked past his cell without looking at him.

"Hey!" he cried, staggering to his feet. "Stop! Let me out of here!"

She didn't stop.

"Great," Xander thought.

He began pacing up and down. One, two, three, one, two, three. Just to have something to do to distract him. He had already counted the tiles. Three times. Forty-eight.

The room was small, painfully small. He dropped to the floor again. The thought he had been trying to suppress came back and hit him like a sledgehammer. What if they had killed Spike?

"Spike," he whispered almost inaudibly.

Shit. They should have never gone on patrol. Sunnydale was just too dangerous for the vampire with the Initiative still looking for him everywhere. But Spike had insisted on going out and kicking some demon ass. When they hadn't found any, Spike had come up with a new method of letting off steam.

*** flashback ***

"Spike, what do you think you're doing?" Xander was getting really impatient with the vampire. First Spike had talked him into going out on patrol without telling Buffy and now he was dragging him into a dark alley. "Dark alleys are not really the safest places in Sunnydale," Xander pointed out. "And I can't see very well in the dark."

"Stay close to me then," Spike replied.

"Oh, thanks for the advice, Bleach-boy," Xander muttered. "I always dreamed of holding hands with an evil vampire." Nevertheless he tightened his grip on Spike's arm. Spike smirked. "What are we doing here?" Xander asked again.

"Shhh. Look up."

"Spike, it's dark, I can't see a bloody thing and can we please go home now?"

"A bloody thing?" Spike snickered. "You've been hanging out with me too much."

Xander sighed. "Way too much. And that's why I'm going home now. And you're not. You can just, I don't know, find somebody else to drive crazy."

"Wait," Spike ordered, not letting go of Xander's arm.


"Look up."

" 'kay, if it makes you happy and I can finally go home, I will look up, although it's completely pointless because I am only some mortal idiot who cannot see in the dark."

"Xander?" Spike interrupted him.


"Shut up."

"Right." Xander sighed dramatically and looked up. "Nothing. Can I go home now?"

"Keep looking."


"Because..." Spike moved closer to Xander with vampiric speed. He went straight for Xander's jugular vein and placed a soft kiss over it. Xander stood motionless with shock for a few seconds. He felt Spike's cool tongue lapping his neck. "You taste so good, Xan," the vampire whispered in his ear.

The words made Xander come to his senses. He pushed Spike back and stared into the darkness. "What...?"

"Don't worry, it's not like I can bite you, pet," Spike said.

Xander could almost hear him leer. His pulse was racing. Xander knew that Spike could hear his heartbeat. He tried to calm down. This was just... "What was that?" he asked finally. "I can't believe I was stupid enough to trust you..."

"You trust me?" Spike asked, almost incredulously.

"Yeah, I am a fucking moron, obviously. Xand-man, the king of fools. And now, let me go, so you can tell everyone." He couldn't believe that Spike had actually...Damn, he was in full-panic-mode now. This was not good. He had to... "Wait," Spike said.

"Why?" Xander asked, regretting it immediately. Why didn't he just leave?

"You interrupted me," Spike said, leaning toward him and tentatively brushing his lips across Xander's. "It's not polite to interrupt other people."

"Well, actually," Xander muttered distractedly, "you're not quite people...Which is of course completely beside the point..." Xander closed his eyes and moaned when Spike's lips touched his again.

"Can you please just shut up, Xan?" Spike begged.

"Of course I can, see? No, you don't because I'm babbling again but..."

Spike silenced him by pressing his lips firmly over Xander's and slipping his tongue into the boy's mouth. This was like nothing Xander had ever experienced before. Spike's tongue wasn't exactly cold, but cool and oh, so hot. Spike gently brushed it over Xander's blunt teeth and challenged Xander's tongue to follow its movements. When Spike slowly withdrew his tongue from Xander's mouth, the boy's tongue slipped into his mouth, tentatively pushing past the vampire's teeth. Xander could taste cold smoke and something that tasted suspiciously like Oreo Cookies.

"You ate my cookies," he mumbled accusingly without actually letting go of Spike's lips.

He felt Spike's lips twist into a smile. "Couldn't eat you, could I?"

Laughing, they broke the kiss, both grateful that the almost unbearable tension had suddenly disappeared. Xander was panting. Spike watched him admiringly.

"What was that?" Xander whispered, still out of breath. His eyes were glistening.

"A kiss," Spike replied.

Xander shook his head, leaning heavily against the wall. He had a feeling that his legs wouldn't carry his weight if he actually tried to stand. "Nononononono, Mr. The Bloody, I've kissed before and it wasn't anything like this," he said. "What have you done? Some kind of spell?"

"Did you like it?" Spike asked, never taking his gaze off Xander.

The boy blushed. Xander cursed himself. "Could you stop staring at me?" he asked. "I know you're staring, I can feel it. I can't see you, so it's a little unfair, don't you think?"

Spike smiled. "So, you did like it, pet, didn't you?"

"C-can we do it again?" Xander asked, blushing even harder.

"Of course," Spike replied, wasting no time and shoving Xander back against the wall. This time he pushed his tongue into the boy's mouth more forcefully and Xander moaned again, his hands moving up to Spike's head, pulling him in even closer. He gasped in surprise, when he felt Spike's erection pressing against his thigh. He felt his own hard on rubbing against Spike. He hadn't really noticed before that he was hard, as well. This was so wrong. But it felt so good. Spike's cool body was pressing hard against his, and the vampire's tongue was slipping in and out of his mouth with increasing speed. Xander's hands suddenly developed a life of their own and slowly moved down on Spike's back. The next thing he knew was that he was struggling to open Spike's belt.

"Lemme help you, pet," Spike muttered, fumbling with the belt himself now. He opened it and began unzipping his jeans.

Xander seized this moment of distraction to whirl Spike around and press him against the wall. He leaned into him and kissed him deeply, almost desperately. Then he yanked Spike's jeans down and dropped to his knees before him.

Spike gasped in anticipation. "Xander," he moaned.

Xander still couldn't see anything but his trembling hands found Spike's cock and led it to his lips. He inhaled the scent of the tiny drop of pre-cum that lingered on the tip and very tentatively licked it off. It tasted strange. Salty and soapy and...strange but not bad. He couldn't believe he was really doing this. But he really didn't want to stop. So he carried on. Hesitatingly he wrapped his lips around Spike's cock. Spike moaned and threw his head back.

That was when Xander heard the hissing sound of a projectile and the soft thud when it hit Spike. The vampire dropped to the ground almost immediately. Xander heard another hissing sound and everything went black.

*** end flashback ***

When he had opened his eyes again everything had been white. 48 square white tiles. No sign of Spike. No sign of anyone. His own clothes had been replaced with a thin white nightshirt with a #71 printed on it.

He wondered again how long he had been unconscious. What did they want from him at all? This was obviously one of the Initiative cells for demons, and Spike had never mentioned human prisoners. He shuddered at the thought.

Again he heard steps coming his way. He moved to the glass wall and stared into the white aisle. There they were. The woman and two men, dressed in identical white coats. They stopped in front of his cell.

"Hey," he yelled. "Let me out, at once."

They ignored him.

"This is Hostile 71," the woman stated, never looking up from her flipchart. "He was captured together with Hostile 17 last night. We have not yet been able to identify his species. He seems to be humanoid, though. All the tests were negative so far."

Xander glared at her. "What the fuck are you talking about, humanoid!?!? I am not humanoid, I am human. I am not a fucking demon."

One of the men raised his head and looked at him. "But you were fucking a demon," he said, matter-of-factly.

Xander blanched visibly. He tried to restrain his anger. He hated being so. . helpless. "So, what?" he finally spat out. "Is that a crime?" He slammed his fist against the glass wall and yelped in pain when the electricity rushed through his body. "Let me out," he continued, nevertheless. "I know my fucking rights, you can't just keep me here."

"Oh," the other man replied, "you won't believe what we can do." With that they left.

Xander collapsed on the floor, sobbing in frustration and anger.

Part Two

When Spike regained consciousness he found himself strapped to a chair in an otherwise empty room. "Oh please," he muttered. "Not again."

He pulled experimentally at the straps. He could barely move an inch. Wonderful. He had been in the middle of receiving the blow-job of his unlife and...Shit. The whelp. Did they take him as well? Did they hurt him? Kill him? "If anybody touches the boy, I`ll bloody kill you all," he muttered. "I'll bloody kill you all anyway, fuck the soddin` chip." He shifted into gameface and continued to curse. He only stopped when three people entered the room. A woman and two men.

"There you are again, Hostile 17," the woman said with a mock smile.

Spike snarled at her. "You'll be the first," he said. "I'll rip yer bloody 'eart out and.." He hissed in pain as the chip hummed warningly.

"You wouldn't want us to modify your chip in a way that makes it impossible for you to shift into your demonic visage without pain, would you?" she asked.

"Why would you bother?" Spike asked, trying to calm down and shifting back into his human guise. "Unless you planned to set me loose again on the general public..."

"Well, that is actually what we're planning to do," one of the men pointed out.

Spike looked at him suspiciously. "You are?" he asked.



"Willow, what is it?"

"Xander is gone. He's not in his apartment and he didn't show up at work, either. We wanted to go to lunch together, but he just didn't come."

"Maybe Buffy knows..."

"No", Willow interrupted him.

"Now, that is indeed worrying."


"Yes, Willow?"

"Spike is gone, too."


"Well, we have been watching you closely for the last few weeks. You seem to be on rather friendly terms with the girl that calls herself the Slayer, one of the lab coats explained.

"Buffy Summers" Spike sneered. "Don't let her hear that."

"Anyway, we'd like to eliminate her and you seem to us the right one for that job. We heard about your reputation among the demon community."

Now Spike was actually laughing. "If you wanted her dead, you shouldn't have put that bloody chip in my skull in the first place. You buggers fucked up all my beautiful plans for killing the Slayer."

"Yes, of course and we're sorry about that," the other man said.

"Bugger that, what is the deal?" Spike asked.

"We will modify your chip. You will be able to fight and kill the Slayer, but no other humans."

"Yeah, right, so the Slayer's dead, what's in it for me? As much fun as it may be to watch the Slayer die and drink her blood...Shit," he cursed, throwing his head back when the chip sent another warning buzz through his brain. "Get that bloody chip out of my head!"

"That, I am afraid we won't do," the woman said. "But maybe we can offer you something else in return for your troubles."

She raised a hand. The white curtain at the far end of the room was withdrawn. Although he knew they were underground Spike flinched slightly. But the brightness entering through the large window was artificial. It opened to another large empty room below.

"So what?" Spike asked impatiently.


Xander had fallen asleep with exhaustion and hunger. There was nothing he could do except wait. For them to let him go or for Buffy to save him. Or to die. At the moment the third option seemed the most likely to him. In his sleep, images of Spike were haunting him. They were fighting three vampires. Suddenly he heard a hissing sound and a thud and when he turned around Spike crumbled into a heap of dust, painfully slow. He reached out for him. Dust.

He woke up because somebody was screaming. It took him a couple of seconds to realize that it was him. In shock he wrapped his hand over his mouth. Four soldiers appeared in front of the glass wall. Xander jumped to his feet. Maybe they would just let him go. Yeah, sure. Slowly the glass wall slid open.

Two of the soldiers moved to his sides and escorted him out of his cell. The other two followed at a distance.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

No answer.

"It's all right," he babbled on. "I am used to being ignored. Happens to me all the time. No biggie. I'll just take a little walk with you."

He was ushered into a larger room.

"Hey, guys, you really need to contact an interior designer, this white stuff is so out of date..." The blow hit him out of nowhere. It sent him flying across the room into the wall. He groaned in pain when he hit the wall. "All right," he muttered. "The white is fine with me..." Strong hands jerked him to his feet. "Look, he said," raising his hands defensively. "No need to hit me. I'm not doing anything." The second blow hit him in his stomach.


Spike flinched when he saw the boy entering the room underneath, accompanied by two soldiers. When the first blow hit Xander and sent him crashing into the wall, Spike closed his eyes. "Stop this!" he growled.

"I think they are not quite ready yet," the woman said. "I think they need to make a firm statement about what they think about humans who.." she paused pointedly. "Indulge in sexual intercourse with Hostiles."

When Spike opened his eyes again, he was in full gameface. "You will regret this," he said menacingly.

Part Three

Xander dropped heavily to his knees and held his stomach with one hand.

"Come on, demon whore, don't tell me you don't like it rough." The second soldier approached him and yanked his head back. Xander heard the sound of a zipper. When he opened his eyes he saw the man's erect cock, only inches away from his face. He tried to back away but the other soldier had moved behind him and was holding him down.

"Come on, I know you like it," the soldier in front of him said, moving his cock to Xander's lips. "Suck it!" he ordered.

Xander smelled piss and foulness oozing from the man's cock. He continued to struggle and shook his head violently. The soldier behind him moved closer and grabbed his hair.

"Stop it," he hissed, pulling hard.

Xander winced in pain and stopped moving immediately. The cock was pushed to his mouth again.

"Open your mouth!"

When Xander didn't obey, the soldier grabbed his jaw and brutally forced his mouth open.

"Open your mouth, kid," he repeated, with an evil smile. "Be a good

He shoved his cock all the way into Xander's mouth, hitting the back of his throat. Xander gagged. The taste was even worse than the smell.

The man stood motionless for about thirty seconds, almost choking Xander, then he withdrew his cock until only the tip remained in Xander's mouth. Xander bit down hard, drawing blood. The soldier yelled in pain and buckled, holding his injured cock. Xander spat on the floor, panting.

"Don't you guys ever wash?" he managed to ask before a heavy boot hit him in the back.

The two other soldiers that had accompanied them to the room, but stayed outside, stormed inside.

"What happened?" one of them asked, bowing over his comrade, who was still crying in agony.

"The b-bastard bit me," he stammered.

"Can you walk? I'll take you to see the doc."

The injured soldier nodded and stumbled to his feet. "Take care of him," he said to the remaining soldiers when he left the room, clinging to the arm of his comrade.

"Don't worry," the man, who had been standing behind Xander, said.

Xander was lying face down on the floor. The kick had not really taken him by surprise but it had knocked the wind out of him for a couple of seconds. Now he was gasping for air.

"So, you want it the hard way, demon slut?"

He was pulled to his feet. The boxers he was wearing underneath the shirt were yanked down and he was pushed on the floor. Xander panicked. He tried to get up again, but the boxers around his ankles made him stumble and fall.


Spike howled in rage, struggling to free his hands. Finally he managed to break the cuff around his right hand. He grabbed the woman''s arm and pulled her down to his face. He was still in gameface and his yellow eyes were sparkling dangerously.

"Stop. It. Now," he growled, ignoring the searing pain in his head. He twisted her arm just a little more. She winced in pain. The soldiers standing guard had pulled out their tazers but didn't dare to interfere.

"Tell them to stop," she yelled to the elder man, who was still standing by the window, staring at the enraged vampire in awe. He nodded hastily and pushed the intercom button next to the window.

"Enough," he said, with extraordinary calm. "Take Hostile 71 back to his cell."



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The Spander Files