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What to Expect at Silver Valley A/G
It can be awkward visiting a church when you don’t know what to expect. We hope that our website will help you feel more at ease. Below are some FAQs many people have when considering visiting a church. If you have a question that isn’t addressed please feel free to email us through our Contact Us page.

What are the services like?
This is a hard question to answer briefly, as we have four weekly services at Silver Valley A/G and each one is different. You can visit the Weekly Services page for a description of the different services and what to expect at each one. Please be assured, though, that no matter what service you decide to attend you will not be asked to wear a nametag or be singled out as a visitor and embarrassed in any way. What you will experience is a warm welcome, a chance to get connected with others, and an opportunity to encounter God and be forever changed by His love.

What should I wear?
At Silver Valley A/G what you wear is not a big deal. Most of the people who attend dress pretty casual, blue jeans, t-shirts, and hoodies are more often seen than suits and dresses. We encourage you to dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed.

Do you have kid’s church or childcare available?
On Sundays we have Sunday School for preschoolers to 5th graders during the 9:30 service and Children's Church during the 10:45 service. We do provide a Nursery class for babies and toddlers age 2 and under at the 10:45 service but are unable to provide that during the 9:30 service. On Wednesday evenings we have a service for kids in preschool through 5th grade but we are not able to provide classes or childcare for infants and toddlers. You are welcome to bring your infant or toddler to church on Wednesday nights and for the 9:30 Sunday service but you will need to keep them with you during service.

Can my child stay with me during service instead of going to kid’s church?
You are welcome to let your children stay with you during service if that’s more comfortable for you. We do encourage you to let your child try attending class or kid’s church if they’re old enough. We strive to provide safe and loving care for kids and are willing to work through anxiety or separation issues.

Can I attend classes or kids church with my child?
We understand parents wanting to help their child through a new church experience by attending kid’s church with their child. However, for the safety of all of the children it is our policy that all adults and teens in Sunday School classes or kids church have been screened and approved to work with kids.

Will I be expected to give money?
While we do collect offering on Sundays during our main service we don’t expect or require you to contribute. Giving of tithes and offerings is simply another way to worship God, and is voluntary.