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Silverstar's Stuff
Friday, 28 April 2006
Well Well Well
Now Playing: Eragon Reading still
Well, hello again everyone. I've been really lazy and haven't updated anything whatsoever yet.^_^

Posted by planet/silverstar101 at 6:04 PM EDT
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Thursday, 27 April 2006
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Still Reading Eragon
*sigh* Well, here I am, once again! Saying "Hello!" to everyone. Nothing really happened to me today. I have been watching the 5th season of Sailor Moon lately though. Its better then I thought. Sailor Moon is bustling as usual, as is Warriors. I'm thinking of giving a gift to all my affiliates of Sailor Moon! I wonder what I will give them. Probally a neato image or something. I'll see.

As for my Warrior's site, its only been a day but...the weirdest thing happened. Oh...I can't explain it. But something weird happened with 4 peeps accounts!!!!

I turned into Sailor Star Healer! She turned into me! Rinoa turned to Willowfur! Willowfur turned into Rinoa!! WAH!! We don't know eachother's passwords, I just logged on and BAM BOOP BOP, I was Sailor Star Healer! I cussed, and Elliefang hit me!! (IN REAL LIFE!!!) Well, I guess I deserved it. It was a glitch, I know now. It was fixed...but its still creepy, 'ya know.

Well, thats all.


Posted by planet/silverstar101 at 1:56 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 26 April 2006
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Nothing Really. But I've been reading Eragon
Well, I haven't updated in awhile. Lots of stuff have been happening in my life. Not the least of which is that who I thought was my mortal enemy is suddenly my friend...I'm suspicious. xD But on the Upnote, I'd like to welcome...

Sailor Star Healer,
Avatar Avery,
Dark Rini to...

SAILOR MOON: the Future!

Welcome guys!!!

I want to welcome everyone to my Warrior's forum, but we got over 50 members since I last updated...and can you imagine me just typing names? lol.

Well on Warriors, I finally got the Prophecy Going. (YEEHAA!!!) On Sailor Moon, Pluto is attacking Uranus again. The people of Planet Penguin are teaming up with Sailor Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Dione, Zoicite, Makaiju, and Star Healer to attack the people of the Asylum. ^_^ Makes me cheerful ya know?

We need peeps to donate some fan art and Fanfiction to this site about either Warriors or Sailor Moon. Thanks everyone!!

If you have something to donate, plz e-mail me @

with the subject as "FanArt" or "FanFiction" otherwise I may think its SPAM and delete it. :P thanks everyone!!

Your Friend,


Posted by planet/silverstar101 at 7:29 PM EDT
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Thursday, 16 March 2006
Mood:  sad
Well I'm sick today *grumbles* Really nothing has happened at all since I posted last. (yesterday) But I do want to say this.


I really want members for dat site. *sighs* I hinnk I'll go on an affiliateing spree! ^_^

Posted by planet/silverstar101 at 11:15 AM EST
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Wednesday, 15 March 2006
Well Hi
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Well hi
Well hello everyone!! 'ello. 'Ello! Well this is mainly a site where I talk about me, and my two webstites.

Okay so their forums. Sue me. lol. Well its here that I tell my members...stuff. Info blah blah blah! Maybe post pictures of my charecters on them, and post some other stuff too!! Well I guess I should make some announcements, wouldn't you agree person?

~---------------Sailor Moon Site Info-------------~
Well we got a whole new layout! Lots of boards have been made into sub-boards...but they are still there! ^_^ we're currently having fun with a brand new plot, about the asylum. You can read about that here: need some more people!
Good Guys: Neo Queen Serenity, King Darien (Or KingEndymion) Artemis, Diana.
Evil Peeps: Penguin Minions in General (lol) ,Devious Minds (not plural), Twin Senshi of Enigma, Hilios, Harly Quin

yup. Penguin Minions! LOL

Anyways, a Mod of mine accidentally deleted a large threasd that we all had (well...most of us) made over 100 posts in. >_< The big battle on uranus. Gone. Poof. Same with out post counts for some reason. WAH! So remember everyone, pm me your old post counts! Thats all for now!

~---------------Warrior's Site info-------------~
Welp. This is my huge site with over 200 members. *starts to dance* We're about to undergo the journey with a cat (or two) from each Clan, to find out who or what is taking all of our cats!! >:-(

Well, out of charecter, we need to move the c-box...SOMEWHERE! People keep comong on it, and SPAMMING. I can only ban 5 people at a time...and well...we need to move it away from evil SPAMmers. But its very hard to choose the best, perfect spot. So help peeps!
Oh remember guys. THE STORY IS...

Peace was throughout the forest for many many seasons, since Brambleclaw and the rest fond the clan cats a new home in a new forest. Seasons have passed, and eventually, Firestar, and the rest have died. But life STILL thrives in the forest! And as I said before peace WAS throughout the whole thing. Until a RiverCLan cat, Tigerstripe died. A cat named "Ravenfeather"'s mate. Ravenfeather killed a cat because accordeing to her she went "temporarily insane" and Runningstar exiled her anyway! Ravenfeather left behind two kits in RiverCLan, noe Nightpaw, and Ravenpaw. Ravenfeather soon made herself leader of SunClan- a clan mainly made up of kittypets and rogues, and former ThunderClan warriors who thought that SunCLan would rule the whole forest in the end. The SunClan cats mean well, but they have a tendancy to bring trouble whereever they lay their paws! Soon after SunCLan arose, the remaining cats of BloodCLan, formed BloodClan2, leade by Scourge's great grandaughter, Cloudstar. They want their territory that SunCLan is sitting in. And they want it NOW. They also kinda want the whole forest! Next clan that came up to bat, was when the leader of a clan far away known as StormcLan came to the forest to look for his long lost deputy, Firestone. He has decided that his clan will settle down in the forest, and his territory is sitting in the middle of WindCLan territory! No, the WindLCan cats aren't happy about this. The StormClan cats,act more like rogues then clan cats. Then the next clan to step into the forest, was DarkCLan, the clan east of ShadowClan. Their hearts are dark, and with thoughts of conuering the forest themselves...I thought StarCLan decreed there would always be FOUR clans in the forest? But little odo the bickering clan cats know, that the danger, is out of StarCLan's paws...and its bigger then they ever could have imagined.

Well, thanks for listening everyone!!!

Posted by planet/silverstar101 at 4:16 PM EST
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