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Xenia is a world filled with war and strife where the inhabitants constantly fight to defend their homes, or fight to destroy their enemies. Choose your side, crush the opposition, ransack towns and reap all the benefits. Join forces with powerful player built syndicates and help build a self contained village, then protect it against other syndicates who threaten to raze it to the ground. 


Syndicates, groups of players, can build their own towns, filling them with buildings where quest givers and outfitters will take up work and residence. Build a smithy and a blacksmith will come and work for you, creating the available weapons and armors of whatever materials you provide him. When attackers from other syndicates come and destroy your smithy, killing your blacksmith, he will drop his inventory to the attackers to be looted. Want revenge? go get it! Other buildings that are completely destroyable include walls, towers, inns, alchemy labs, stables, etc. 


Uncrowned features classless characters. Anyone can learn any ability, wear any armor, and use any weapon they choose.  


PvP will be a large focus, but not the only option of play. World PvP areas, battlefields, will serve as key points in taking over cities and syndicate towns. Owning the specific areas around your target city or town grants special abilities, weapons and bonuses. Destroying and taking over towns is treated like a dungeon in that there will be 'bosses' and loot you cannot get anywhere else in the game. There will also be even number battle fields where syndicates can compete to raise their town level.


The main cities that oppose one another will give favor points for completeing their tasks. Once you have gained a good reputation with the land of one major city, the others will become hostile. Building reputation with a main city is crucial to being able to build your syndicate town on their land.


The economy in Uncrowned is player created. The game is free to play and certain items cost money. Gold Crowns can be purchased with real money and sold to players for in game currency or items, making everything in the game easily accessable to anyone who plays. Like to farm? Need more in game money? use in game currency to buy Gold Crowns! An option to make real life money selling in game items will be in development. There's nothing better than making real cash while playing a game!


PvE and exploration will be rewarded, as well. World bosses can attack cities, or just roam the land periodically to be hunted down for the materiels to create amazing end-game weapons and armors. 


Loot will be based on participation, rather than need to be rolled for. Anyone can participate in world boss fights or city raids and defense. However, only syndicates will be able to defend and attack their own/syndicate cities. The game will reward the best syndicates in the game. Think you have the best? Put it to the test! If you are the best of the best, you might even be immortalized in a statue. 


Most items in the game will be crafted, crafting will be rewarded. There will be items, of course, but many armors, weapons and buff items will be crafted and many things throughout the world will be harvestable as ingredients to make many different items. Take pride in crafting your items! Or, if you don't care to craft, let someone else make them and you can buy them!