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Welcome to House Telinus

Welcome to the House of Telinus. I am the Master of the House, my name is Silvanos Telinus. Unlike most houses of Gor this one is different. It is not a house to accept Free people into the House. No instead it is a House for slaves. Sound abit strange? Let me explain what I mean. I am a slaver, and this house is more of a School where I offer my services to train your Slave. I will train female and male slaves a like. I offer my services to train pit slaves and silk slaves. I also train in several fields. The two main fields that I do not offer are dancing and the arts of passion. If you have any questions, please take a trip to Port Tokri and visit the beautiful city in progress and my House. I will go over everything that you wish to know. Prices will be set to each slave and how much work they will take. I await your visit....

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Master Silvanos Telinus
