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Triple X Sonny Siaki

Leaving Home [ The cameras pan through the small ocean front home of Sarah and Sonny Siaki on the island of Hawaii. The scene shows a set of stairs leading up to a loft that is or shall we say was the bedroom of Sonny and Sarah. As the camera gets closer, one can here Sarah and Sonny arguing. The camera goes through the door and we see Sonny cleaning out his closet dumping as many clothes into s suitcase as he can. Sarah is sitting on the edge of the bed nearly in tears. ] Sarah Siaki - Don’t do this Sonny!! I don’t want you to go!! [ Sonny shoves more clothes into the suitcase and turns to her. ] Triple X” Sonny Siaki - I have to!! He nearly killed you and the baby!! Sarah Siaki - The baby is fine Sonny!! I’m fine!! Just let it go!!! Triple X” Sonny Siaki - Can’t you see I can’t just let it go for Christ sake!! He’s gone too fucking far!! He needs to be stopped!! [ Sarah stands up and gets right in Sonny’s face. ] Sarah Siaki - FINE!!! Then you let somebody else stop him!! Why does it have to be YOU?! Why does it always have to be YOU?! [ Sonny looks at her and sees a tear run down her cheek. ] Triple X” Sonny Siaki - There’s nobody else. Vince is gone and I have nobody to turn to. Sarah Siaki - What about Page?! [ Sonny laughs. ] Triple X” Sonny Siaki - Page?! Have you been watching the same show I have?! Page is a turncoat!! He can’t be trusted!! Hell is far as I know he’s behind this!! Sarah Siaki - Sonny, I’m warning you!!! If you leave this time ...I wont be here when you get back!! [ Sonny looks at her. ] Triple X” Sonny Siaki - Are you fucking serious?! You’re gonna leave me cause I’m going to go kick the fuck out of a guy that assaulted you?! Sarah Siaki - That’s right Sonny!! I’ve had enough. I have it up to here with all the bull shit that you and I have been through. Or have you forgotten your drinking problem?! Or the affair with Brent Daley you accused me of? Triple X” Sonny Siaki - That’s so fucking low I think I can taste my balls!! Sarah Siaki - It’s true Sonny!! The W.W.E. has done nothing but rip us apart!! If you walk out that door, I’m leaving you and you’ll never see your baby!! Triple X” Sonny Siaki - You’re so full of shit!! Sarah Siaki - Try me Sonny!! [ Sonny slams the suitcase shut and zips it up. He looks at her one last time and lifts it off the bed. He heads toward the door, but stops and looks back at her. ] Triple X” Sonny Siaki - Do what you want. But remember this. I am doing this for YOU!!! [ Sonny walks out of the room, down the stairs and climbs into a waiting cab. Back in the bedroom, Sarah crumples down onto the floor holding her head as she cries heart out. ]