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What if true love were found on another planet?

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Bitten By Books
More Than Prophecy is a fantastic read that is really hard to put down once you begin reading. There is more to this story than first meets the eye. The descriptions are excellent giving the reader all the details to the world of Zandar and the people in it. The characters pop out and draw you into their world. Cheyenne is strong willed yet utterly feminine while Darian is your all around man’s man who, through Cheyenne, learns more about the meaning of compassion and mercy. It is thoroughly enjoyable, honest and heartfelt. I sincerely hope that Shannon Leigh will continue on the tales of other people in Zandar.
Rating: 5 tombstones!

Romance Reader At Heart
MORE THAN PROPHECY has strong characters and a very intriguing plot. Leigh’s descriptions of people and places allow you to see Zandar with startling clarity in your mind’s eye. Darian will be fueling many fantasies for women everywhere! I highly recommend this novel and cannot wait to read more from Shannon Leigh!
Rating: RRH Top Pick Award!
--Carrye Syma

TCM Reviews
This is a beautiful engaging story that is a wonderful read with gorgeous imagery, and I’m not necessarily talking about the scenery, although it is also descriptive and breathtaking.

My Shelf
Outstanding! Thrilling! This story had me captivated from the first page until the very end. My only complaint? It had to end!! I fell in love with Darian and Cheyenne myself. Shannon Leigh has penned an absolutely perfect romance. More Than Prophecy will leave you breathless. I highly recommend this book to any lover of paranormal. On a scale of 1 to 10, it is definitely an 11!
--Shelina Emery

Paranormal Romance Reviews
“Fantastic Fantasy”
MORE THAN PROPHECY is a thrilling ride from the very first page right up to the surprising ending! Shannon Leigh has done a wonderful job of bringing her characters to life in this exciting story. The men are all big, bad warriors and the world reminded me of medieval Scotland. The hierarchy is very similar to that time period with Liege- lords and Lords and so on. A time when might was right. Under the prophecy, this is, at heart, a very tender romance.
--Chere Gruver

Fallen Angels Reviews 1
I was quite wrapped up in this novel of alternate worlds and, in spite of its super-size length, I read it in one day. This is a very enjoyable novel about a modern Native American girl being drawn through a rift in ... time? space? ... and coming to the planet of Zandar to face her destiny. I must say that the author has, even taking into account its length, skillfully written an engrossing novel and I recommend it for fans of futuristic romance.
Rating: 4 Angels!

Fallen Angels Reviews 2
More Than Prophecy is an exciting and intriguing book. Ms. Leigh has created a world with a rich and dynamic history. This would be a wonderful beginning of a new series based on this world. With well-developed and enjoyable characters, More Than Prophecy moves at a rapid pace. There isn’t a moment where the storyline drags and this reader couldn’t wait to see what happened next. Kudos to Ms. Leigh for this wonderful story!
Rating: 4 Angels!
--Susan T.

We Really Dig Romance Novels
“From Cheyenne's wanting to be loved for herself to Darian's not wanting to fall in love until the surprise at the end get ready for an 'Other Worldly' romance with a medieval flare you will want to keep reading. We Really Dig would like to thank Shannon Leigh for sending us a copy to review on this January 2005 release.”
The Romance Studio
I enjoyed this romp. It was fun seeing a modern young woman dropped into a world dominated by strong-willed men, more used to solving their problems with fists and swords then words. Pick it up and see what you think.
Rating: 4 Hearts!
--Barbara Hodges

Eternal Night
Through an epic scope, a world is born, filled with complex and fascinating people; heroes who have spots and villains who have moments that hint that perhaps they are not totally lost. Of all the epic fantasies, the one this most reminds me of is the Cheysuli series by Jenifer Roberson in tone. Though the story seems to be complete- more than one character did have potential to star as the hero on their own, so readers may have something to hope for.
--Amanda Kilgore

Writers Unlimited
Shannon Leigh has written a fantasy that sweeps you away. More Than Prophecy takes you away from everyday life and plops you right in the middle of a land of adventure and desire. Ms Leigh is a wonderful storyteller and has given us another retreat when all we want to do is get away from it all.
--Jan Douglas

Raven Reviews
Ms. Leigh’s enormous talent is seen through the pages of this fantastically told story. With never a dull moment, she creates a world and characters that will remain in the reader’s memory. Sparing no detail in creating life on Zandar, the locales and people come alive as Cheyenne’s story unfolds. A do not miss read!
Rating: 5 Cups of Wine!

Coffee Time Romance
Ms. Leigh starts with a bang and keeps the thrills coming to culminate with a climatic finish that was completely satisfying. Ms. Leigh is a superb storyteller and the story kept me guessing on how the couple would overcome the obstacles to their relationship. I found myself quickly immersed in the story of the brave and feisty Cheyenne and delectable Darian and cheering for a happy ending for the couple. I hope we will see in future stories from Ms. Leigh. This story is definitely among my favorites and will be one I will look forward to reading again.
Rating: 4 Sreaming Cups!
--Jennifer Brooks

Sizzling Romance Reviews
I absolutely loved this book. I was glad it was four hundred odd pages. The author created such a believable and realistic world in Zandar, that I almost believed it was a one-dimensional version of Earth.
Rating: 5 Flames!

All Book Reviews
Shannon Leigh’s writing style is descriptive and brings the world of Zandar to life for the reader. The characters are well thought out and colorful. The men, warrior like and to die for, much like the Scot’s of the 18th century of earth. Cheyenne was a well- rounded emotional character with courage and dignity. I really enjoyed reading Darian and Cheyenne’s story. The plot was excellent and unraveled at a slow pace but it kept you glued to the pages to find what’s coming next.
--Maria Desrosiers

Crystal Reviews
…an intriguing, adventurous romantic read that will engage all lovers of mystery and passion.
--Viviane Crystal

Love Romances
This reviewer was blown away at this author’s perception and depth while reading More Than Prophecy. By creating a world that is parallel to earth, she has a wealth of stories to tell and this reviewer is eager for the sequel to this splendid book. A rich and captivating story, More Than Prophecy brings to mind a book like Gone with the Wind, grandiose and breathtaking in every way. Kudos to Ms. Leigh for a touchdown with her second book. The reader will never be bored by the dynamics of Zandar and Darian and Cheyenne’s race to fulfill a prophecy that will change everything. This is a book to be read again and again. This reviewer highly recommends More Than Prophesy if you like a great story with many twists and turns that ends in a bang!
Rating: 4 1/2 Hearts!

Heartstrings Reviews
To make a long review short, More Than Prophecy is a tempestuous romance from up-and-coming author, Shannon Leigh, that's fraught with friction and is given an extra dose of curl-your-toes sex appeal with Darian and his fellow barbarians. They may not be politically correct or all-knowing about feminism and equal rights, but they're pretty darn irresistible and willing to learn the finer points of wooing a lady and earning her heartfelt esteem through both word and deed. I foresee great things for Ms. Leigh's writing career, in fact, if this fun, sexy, spirited and slightly campy romance is anything to go by.
--Cheryl Jeffries

Enchanted In Romance 1
More Than Prophecy is the type of book to draw you in and not let you take a break until the end. The characters have an emotional appeal and an intensity that caused me very extreme feelings. I felt Cheyenne’s anger at her suitors’ belief that she was little more than the barer of the child of peace. I saw the fear she experienced when Chris tried to force himself upon her. I sensed the deep confusion she felt over two wonderful men who were in love with her. Overall, Shannon Leigh has created a remarkable world with deeply enjoyable characters, as well as easily hated ones. More Than Prophecy is high on my "will read again" list.
Rating: 5 Unicorns!

Enchanted In Romance 2
More Than Prophecy is a wild ride from beginning to end, Cheyenne is a strong, competent woman that conquers her fears and does what needs doing regardless of them. Darian is her perfect match, a strong warrior and a merciful leader that always does what’s best for his people. Shannon Leigh has written an absorbing tale of passion and betrayal, love and hate that draws a reader into a world of fantasy so vivid that it comes alive in your mind. I highly recommend More Than Prophecy, just know this is not a quick read as it’s almost 500 pages long but more than worth your money to experience.
Rating: 5 Unicorns!

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