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Welcome to the Scarborough Mom's Website



Welcome to our new site, please be patient as we're moving in and getting accustomed to the New surroundings.



Who are we?

We're a group of mothers in Scarborough Ontario who get together regularly for playdates, coffee, mom's nights outs, events held in the city and just about any other time there is something to do any more than one person wants to do it.


When do you meet?

Right now, we're meeting regularly on these cold Winter Thursday afternoons at 12pm for coffee and lunch. For privacy and safety issues, we ask that you join our mailing list or email the site administrator with an introduction and we'll give you the scoop.


When are playdates?

Playdates are whenever a mother in our group feels like hosting them. During the summer we tend to slow down as we're often on the go with our own events, but during the fall, spring and winter, we attempt to have at least one playdate per month.


Are their limitations to joining?

Yep, you have to be a mother, or a mother to be. :) 


What kind of mothers will I find on the group.

All kinds. Mothers of all ages, mothers with children of all ages, stay at home mothers, working moms, moms with dogs, moms with cats, breastfeeding moms, bottlefeeding moms, babywearing moms, stroller moms. We try to provide a supportive group for every sort of mom.


What's your mailing list?

Basically it's a yahoogroup email list where we plan our events, discuss a topic for the day and share our joys and frustrations as moms when we can't get together. You don't have to receive emails directly, there is also an option to view all our chatter online once you're a member. Yahoogroups is completely free to join, and if you push this button here 

Click here to join scarboroughmoms
Click to join scarboroughmoms

You can begin your process of signing up for our email list!


Why do I have to be a member of the mailing list?

You don't really, it's just a very convenient way to communicate and learn details about playgroups. You can get a free email address from hotmail, so you don't have to use your own. We don't post playgroups publicly online because they are at members homes. If you come out to the coffee meetings and want to learn more about playgroups, you can give another member your phone number to keep updated.


How much does it cost to be a member?

That's the best part! It's free! All you have to do is cover your own costs at coffee meetups, event meetups, mom's nights out etc.


Are you affiliated with any other group?

The Scarborough Mom's meetup group is one of the ways we try to outreach for new members.

We are also listed on Wee Welcome

Several of our members belong to other local groups, please check out our links section for more information.


How long have you been in existence?

We started in January of 2006, so we just celebrated our first birthday!


Will I be able to make friends and connections easily?

We have a few shy members, but more often than not, the meetings will have a good chatterbox or two there to get things going. We have good senses of humour and don't bite...unless you look like a piece of chocolate, you should make connections easily.


Anymore Questions? We'll be happy to answer them via email. Please feel free to give us a shout and bookmark our page for further updates, we'll be adding our links, newsletters and further info as we continue to grow.


Thank you for visiting.

Last Updated January 2007

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