Vampire singing sensation known for breaking through to the music industry: mostly rock. It is said her voice is hypnotically beautiful, and accented by the gifts of her blood. She is not shy from showing her powers on stage, including summoning the ability of singing multiple music parts at once, or filling certain audience members with her choice of sensation.

When she speaks, her voice holds a peculiar melody, a dulcet tune that can be as sweet and slow as dripping honey, or as uncomfortably sharp as a steel razor depending on her mood. Then again, it is her voice which has made her famous over the years.

In late February of 2004, the previous Mistress of the City Scarlett LeBlanc vanished. Without anyone making any claims to fill the office in the following few weeks, Satine took it upon herself to don the laurel of Mistress of the City and retire from the music industry for the time being.

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