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About Me
I have to admit, I have never seen Sasquatch,a.k.a. Bigfoot. I believe I may have been followed by one,
but I am not sure. I am 27 years old and have had a passion for Bigfoot for many of them years.
I want to see one for myself. I hope that one day I will.
I have read many sightings and I will read more as time goes on. Most of the sightings that I am interested in are in Michigan, US.

I have to give all the credit of most material that I use in this site to the Organizations and sites that I have obtained them from. There are sites that are just for Michigan, but I have been looking for one that is for the Central Lower Pennisula.

I know that what information that I have will not prove anything, but I want to share what ideas that I have. I am not saying that they are theories, just ideas. So please don't quote me.

Updated 8/27/06
Here is the big question. Kill Or No Kill!!!

One of the most talked about statements is No Kill. Don't get me wrong I don't want to kill an animal if I can't eat it. I will hunt for necessity, not for pleasure.

The question is " Will you shot with a gun or a camera?". My answer is both. There has been many photos floating around of possible Sasquatches. The only one that knows for sure as to whether it is real or a hoax is the one that took the phot or who was there to witness it.

So with that said I will shot with the gun and then take pictures. I would take pictures of the corpes. I would take hair, tissue, and blood samples. I would have pictures taken of the spots that I took the samples from. I would take pictures while I was taking the samples. I would document everything. But of course I will have my copies of it all hidden so I will be the only one to know where they are.

This is the only way that anybody will believe me or you for that matter. It all comes down to one thing, KILL=PROOF!!!

I will update as I go. Please be patient. It has been very slow to reports here in Michigan. I feel that the Cougars have scared our Wandering Wild One away.

Abreviations & Links
BFRO Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization
GCBRO The Golf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization
MBIC Michigan Bigfoot Information Center
IBS International Bigfoot Society
BE Bigfoot Encounters
OB Oregon Bigfoot
TBRO Texas Bigfoot Research Organization

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